Saturday, December 29, 2007

I'm Enjoying my new start

During my last month in San Marino, I also interviewed with the school district. I rocked the interview, but because of the holiday break I am still waiting to hear back from them. I can do both jobs, they are both part time and it should work. Until one becomes full time, but in my heart I really don't want to go back there. I'm not and don't want to get pulled back in and have to deal with anyone from the recreation department, although I think it would be a great slap in the face. Only time will tell.
Yesterday was my last day of training with Disney, tomorrow I am out on my own and responsible my for own work. I'm nervous, but excited at the same time. I really enjoy the job I'm doing, even though I have run into some rude people, for the most part it is good, tiring but good. It's building my confidence. I am enjoying the people I work with and I think they are enjoying me. I have found it really to get along with many of them, although I know there are tons I haven't even met yet. Everyone there is encouraging and helpful, they've all been through it before, so I feel like I can talk to them and ask questions and actually get help.
The drive hasn't been that bad, but it is a little stressful. i like going in early because there's no traffic, but I know i will have to go in there in the afternoons or evenings soon. I will conquer that bridge when I come to it.
Alright, this is the end of my story. I will continue to update you on my job situation and life as it unfolds. God Bless and Happy New Year!

Silence and Nothing More

On a whim (after thinking about it for months) I went down to the Disney Job faire and after 2 days of interviews I was hired as a Research Analyst for the Disneyland Resort. My first official day was December 15, but I didn't actually leave San Marino until a week or so later.
I gave my notice and no one said anything to me. The office staff and managers acted like nothing had happened. I expected it, but it was still surprising. In fact I got more well wishes, sadness and encouragement from the teachers at Carver School then I did from the people at work. The parents were great though, they all made me feel really good about myself and the job that I had been doing. I would have stayed under better circumstances, but i couldn't (for my own sanity) work with those people anymore. I did express this to some of the parents and teachers, but not many. I don't really care what the Recreation Department hears, because in my opinion I didn't lie about anything, in fact I was the one who was lied to.
The same week I gave my notice we had the city Christmas party and all of my bosses were there, not one of them said anything to me...they came to the table i was sitting at but there was silence and noting more from them. On my last day, Sue asked me where I was going, I told her I wasn't telling (ever) then I walked away. She's crazy if she thinks that I care about her enough to tell her what I hadn't told anyone else. She didn't care, she just thought that if she put me on the spot I would say something, shows how much she knew me. Stupid!
I left that job and was sad, but ready for a more adventurous future where I would be appreciated for my talents and skills. And not just looked at like someone to boss around and treat badly.

San Marino Recreation Department

I worked for the San Marino Recreation Department for almost 3 years. I gave my all and over the past few months they have really treated me awfully. This treatment actually started a few months after I began working there, but it got worse over the 6 months or so.
I knew this was all going to happen. Over the last year from September of 2006 to August of 2007, my immediate manager was a woman named Lucy, she's great...I really believe she cares, listens and does her best to do things right. But in September the other manager, a lady named Sue, took over my program. Sue isn't anything like Lucy, in fact she not only barely comes to work, I don't think she really even does anything. When I found out that Sue was taking over my program I braced myself for impact. I knew from previous dealings with her that she didn't like me or the way the program was run. She doesn't like disciple she would rather us have a glorified babysitting program where kids are allowed to run rapid eating sugar and destroying things without having to suffer any repercussions. I'm the opposite. I believe that the kids should have fun, but I also think that it's our responsibility to teach them how to get along with each other and to care for things that don't belong to them.
One day in November she made it very clear that she wanted me out. In one day she told us that we would no longer be able to give timeouts, help with academics or have any adult size furniture in our room. She said that this would be department wide, but I found out later that this was a lie.
Then in the middle of December I was called in and told that my work hours were being cut because our budget couldn't handle it....the next day we had a full staff meeting and were told that we had already recouped 93 percent of our budget (mainly because of all the work I did with Alisa), so there's another lie. How is my pay hurting the budget when we have 93% of it back? I was tired of being lied to and treated like crap after spending so much of my time working so hard for this company.
I started to look for another job and well I found one....

Sunday, October 21, 2007


If you love Harry Potter and hadn't heard, J.K. Rowling annouced that Dumbledore the wize headtmaster of Hogwarts School of WitchCraft and Wizardy is Gay....

I think I may have already known that, but oh well.

And random thought...Luke Walton (from the Lakers) is really cute!

Martinsville...not Malibu

Okay this is going to sound really mean, but let me vent. I got up this morning and after sitting at the computer for two hours decided not to go to church, so I log in to and get ready for the race to start.
I choose to listen to Kasey Kahne's in car radio (so I can hear kasey, his spotter Kole and His chew chief Kenny talk throughout the race), but I don't turn the TV on. I go get myself some breakfast and hear Kasey and the boys doing their sound checks, just making sure they can all hear each other well and going over instructions given at the morning meeting.
Kenny and Kole wish Kasey good luck and the race starts. I turn my tv on and there's a f-ing fire raging in Malibu. That was 2 hours's still on! in fact the only two regular channels, not showing this stupid fire are 13 and 11...jeez, all I want to do is watch the race....that's it. I mean why does every news channel in LA have to carry this...the people in Malibu know it's there and the rest of us can choose to watch Channel 2 or 9, why oh why does this have to interrupt the race!
I am still listening to Kasey, he's complaining about his car, but I'd feel much better if I could actually see it. Jeez, I don't know what else to say. Maybe I should go back to bed!

Ch ch ch ch changes...

So, lately I've been listening to country music with increasing enjoyment. I've always liked some country songs, especially in the mid to late 90's when all the country crossovers started to emerge. But a couple of months ago I was house sitting and one morning, while getting ready for work, I decided to turn on MTV. I thought, hey I haven't watched MTV in forever and it's early maybe there will be some videos on... That day I realized that the M in MTV no longer stands for music (but that's for another blog).
There were no videos on, just reality shows; now don't get me wrong I love most of MTV's reality shows, but I wanted to see some videos. So I changed to channel to VH1 nothing and then I turned the channel once more and landed on CMT, there was a video on, I think it was Kenny Chesney or Brad Paisley, but that was it and enjoyed it, so much so that I continued to watch CMT that morning and the rest of the week.
You know actually while sitting here thinking back and I have to say that the first time I really watched and enjoyed CMT was that last time I was at Kristi and Randy's house in April. Kristi left to go paint the new house and I was getting ready and couldn't figure out the cable channels, I ended up watching CMT and enjoyed it so much that I left later than I thought I would. But I digress...
I recently got dish network in my bedroom and since then I've spent much of my time holed up watching the shows and channels I couldn't watch in the other parts of the house (no, not porn). And I have discovered CMT all over again. I watch the video countdown and the music insider shows. Since I don't know anything about country music, I feel like I should give it all a chance before I pick and choose who I like. I'm enjoying my new found music so much that I'm constantly writing down songs to buy on Itunes.
You might be thinking what is a black girl doing listening to country music, a couple of days ago I wouldn't have had an answer for you, but now...after thinking about it yesterday I feel it's pretty safe to say that I enjoy country music cause it's really the only true music we have left in this country.

I don't know if you've been listening to popular radio these days...but music sucks now and the industry is in desperate need of a change. At the beginning of the year I saw a small change coming, another British Invasion of the pop kind...Amy Winehouse and Lily Allen had some good songs out, but they faded and at the end of Spring I found this chick named Colbie Calliat whose album I love her one single is good but doesn't have the potential the rest of the album holds.
Don't get me wrong there are those people out there making great music(the gossip to name one), but they are few and far between, then there are the outstanding performers, but they aren't writing and most times aren't singing. So it left me with this dilemma, how was I, an avid music fan and lover, who likes all types of music going to be satisfied by half-assed ripe-offs and verse less demos? I wasn't!, my mind wandered and I stop buying whole albums, just settling for singles and soundtracks from relatively good movie musicals.
That is until this last month. I kicked up my country music buying, starting with names I've known and adding some I didn't. And I realized, the reason I enjoy country is that it's pure. It's music written from some one's heart...they may be talking about their wife and kids, or their pickup or their gun or God (yes that God) but it's pure. Some songs I take with a grain of salt knowing that they are jokes, but others are humbling and sensitive and beautiful.
That's what mainstream music is missing. I understand that the music business is a business, they are in it to make money. So if they have to give a contract to a guy who looks good without a shirt on, can dance, but barely sing they will, and he will sale millions, but it'll still be an album of crap.
You may agree with me or you may not, I'm still dreaming of the day when we have pure bands (like the Beatles, Led Zeppelin, Pearl Jam), pure singers (like Aretha, Janis and Tina), and pure pop acts (like Michael and Prince of the 80's), but until that day I will continue to look for music that hits my heart and makes me feel the way I did when my dad played the Joe Cocker home.

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Don't Blink by Kenny Chesney

I turned on the evening news
Saw a old man being interviewed
Turning a hundred and two today
Asked him what's the secret to life
He looked up from his old pipe
Laughed and said "All I can say is."

Don't blink
Just like that you're six years old and you take a nap and you
Wake up and you're twenty-five and your high school sweetheart becomes your wife
Don't blink
You just might miss your babies growing like mine did
Turning into moms and dads next thing you know your "better half"
Of fifty years is there in bed
And you're praying God takes you instead
Trust me friend a hundred years goes faster than you think
So don't blink

I was glued to my tv when it looked like he looked at me and said
"Best start putting first things first."
Cause when your hourglass runs out of sand
You can't flip it over and start again
Take every breathe God gives you for what it's worth

Don't Blink
Just like that you're six years old and you take a nap and you
Wake up and you're twenty-five and your high school sweetheart becomes your wife
Don't blink
You just might miss your babies growing like mine did
Turning into moms and dads next thing you know your "better half"
Of fifty years is there in bed
And you're praying God takes you instead
Trust me friend a hundred years goes faster than you think
So don't blink
So I've been tryin' ta slow it down
I've been tryin' ta take it in
In this here today, gone tomorrow world we're livin' in
Don't blink
Just like that you're six years old and you take a nap and you
Wake up and you're twenty-five and your high school sweetheart becomes your wife
Don't blink
You just might miss your babies growing like mine did
Turning into moms and dads next thing you know your "better half"
Of fifty years is there in bed
And you're praying God takes you instead
Trust me friend a hundred years goes faster then you think
So Don't blink
Naw, don't blinkLife Goes Faster Than You Think
Don't Blink...

Sunday, September 30, 2007

The Kingdom

This is a review and a thought in one, so I hope you enjoy it.

The Kingdom is a movie staring Jamie Fox, Jennifer Garner, Chris Cooper and Jason Bateman. I went watch this movie on Friday, I've been waiting a year to see it. Jennifer Garner is my favorite actress and when she got pregnant I didn't know if she would take time off or not, but she began filming this movie shortly after she gave birth. So, like I said I've been waiting to see this since it was announced.

I went to see it on opening day and was very excited not only to see Jennifer G kick butt but also because the trailers looked awesome. I don't know what I thought it was going to be, maybe I thought Muslims blow up Americans and we go in and kick butt. But I left the movie feeling genuinely sad. I can't tell you what happened but in the state of the world we are currently living in the dramatic elements and fights are great but it's really about the last few lines of the script that hit you in the face.

I've been thinking very deeply about this war, the first I have experience and fully understood as an adult, and I HATE it! I've thought about the people whose land we've invaded and those who've died and i wonder what makes us so much better. And in the end of this movie you realize that we think the same things, but justify them differently.

We need to think about what we do, we need to step into other peoples shoes. Christians, instead of commending Muslims reach out and learn about them, they aren't all terrorists and neither are we. Did you know that in the middle east, we, the American (Christians) are the terrorists. Chew on that for a while and see what comes out.

I think this is an excellent drags a little but in the end if you don't come out of it with new things and view to think about, then you completely missed the point.

Saturday, September 15, 2007

We have the technology let's use it

Okay, in the middle of last television season I found this awesome show called Brothers and Sisters....I went to to find out more about the show and discovered that all of the full episodes were there just waiting for me to watch them, I spent every Tuesday or Wednesday after work catching up on Episodes that I missed or wanted to see again. I thanks abc for having all those episodes ready and available to old and new fans alike.
I have tried to find full episodes of other shows that I really enjoy but don't always get to watch, like Army Wives and The Unit, but Lifetime and CBS don't have those full episodes on their site. It's so upsetting....
Listen take a page from ABC PLEASE get the full episodes, people want to see them they are interested, but if you don't help us...we won't watch you. Damn!

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Is it Hot Enough?

Man, if it gets any hotter I think I might melt. Seriously.

The heat wave has cause me to do some strange things, I held my friend's house hostage this weekend, couldn't sleep last night and almost fainted on Saturday, all because of the heat.
The kids came back to school and Kinder Care week and my classroom has no air conditioning. The building's older then dirt and we were told that inorder to get ac the entire building has to be rewired, I don't know if I believe that though.
Anyway, the only things that's saved me was my car's ac, the grinstead's ac and various public places that have ac. If it wasn't for that you may be looking at a puddle of muck that used to be me.
I hope the weather is cooler in your neck of the woods and I sincerely hope is cools down soon.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Mexico Busted

My trip was a bust, if you want details call me and I'll tell you.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Mexico or Bust

At 5:30 am tomorrow my mom and I will head out for a few days in the Mexican sun, please pray that our trip is successful with no problems and no drama or stress, pray that we get the rest we are so looking forward to and that the people we are staying with don't get on my nervous and cause me to go completely and totally ghetto on them. And please pray for our safe return.
Hope you all have a great weekend as well.

I have some very exciting news to share, but you'll have to wait until I come back!

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Perez Hilton

Has easily saved me thousands of dollars. I used to buy tabloid magazines weekly, like 3 to 4 a week! But since I have discover his site not only have I stopped buying the mags, I have actually found that he has things up on his site days, even weeks before the tabs print them!
So thanks to you Perez Hilton for being a fun read and for saving me tons of money!

House Sitting

It's a curious thing when someone asks you to watch their home while they are away.
Curious, because the person/people trust you enough to know that you will protect and care for the belongings and property they have.

In the last week and a half, I have been asked to house sit for two separate sets of friends. In fact, I am currently typing this from the spare bedroom at Paul and Amber's house. And last week I was at Brooke and Sam's house, just chillin (with the dog).

When I was younger I house sat so that I could get away from the craziness of my own home, to have some time alone to think for myself and try to find myself in whatever I was interested in. Now, that I'm older, it's relaxing, but I see the true value in it. That my friends trust me enough to care for what's theirs. Cars, plants, dogs, homes it's amazing. Truly!!! But now that I've realized all this, I'm nervous that I might mess it all up. Damn!

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Sing Hallelujah, Lord you are with us

As the dew drops are falling

As I look at the world I see that you must be beautiful

From land to the Skies and the sea your hands are masterful

The days turn to night and the night into day the power you wield is

Light flickers constantly consuming the air around it, as the constant air attempts to extinguish it.
Fading to the last light of hope it will never be darkened.
Although the wick may not burn white hot and the wax does not flow smoothly the light remains, it only longs to be awaken in you.
Like on the third day He did not fade, but awoke to rise
Rise above the consuming air to claim MY VICTORY, HIS VICTORY, OUR VICTORY over that which might consume our light.

Tuesday, July 31, 2007


On Sunday evening Mr. Ruben Whittington was found dead by his car, he was my friend and co-worker's father. He was shot and killed while waiting for a tow truck to help him out with his flat tire. So, far there are no leads and no witnesses have come forward.
For the price of the money in his wallet my friend lost her father, her mother a husband and this world lost a good man. He was a Air Force Vet and a retired LAPD officer.
Whoever did this and other crimes like this is a coward and I hope and pray that they are caught and brought to justice. Please keep Emily and her mom in your prayers, they will need them.
Thank You

Friday, July 27, 2007

bbc america

So, it's been so long since I've written, so far I have told you about my new boy, my new husband, sent a shout out to my NASCAR man and told you about my music, books and movie. So what do I have left. Well just some random musings....let's get started!

Brittney Spears is CRAZY and sadly maybe her kids should be taken from her.

I feel sorry for Lindsey Lohan. No one has ever told her no, in fact they have probably all told her it's okay, because she's young famous and pretty. oh yeah, and her dad is crazy, but has anyone taken a look at her mom and seen how she's using ALL of her children (not just her eldest) to further her career? I think Linds needs a hug, a real one from someone who's not going to use her to get what they want.

Someone slap Nicole Richie with a sandwich!

Tom Cruise is scary.

Ringing Bros. and Barnum and Bailey's circus is the Greatest Show on Earth.

Kobe should be traded and Michael Vick should be put in jail and made to fight guys twice his size everyday single day, while the guards beat him with batons and dogs watch.

I like big butts and I cannot other brothers can't deny!

There is no need for David Beckham to play any football, he can just stand in the middle of the field with his shirt off and I'll be happy.

I am addicted to BBC America, I love Footballer's Wives, and MI-5..

My Bologna has a fist name it's O-S-C-A-R
My Bologna has a second name it's M-A-Y-ER
I love to eat it every day and if you ask me way I'll say....

You other's brother can't deny, cause when I girl walks in with an itty bitty waist and a round thing in yo face you get sprung!

with B-O-L-O-G-N-A!

Have a good weekend everyone!

My New husband has arrived, let the staking begin!

Shout Out...

to Kasey and the rest of the Evernham Drivers (Elliot, I see you). I know your season hasn't been going well, but I hope that this little show of love and support will help you out this weekend. Much Love

Your Head and Your Heart

I have recently been going through some very stressful situations, that have left me breathless and unforgiving. I've been very reluctant to give anyone my trust and instead I have pushed away those who God has put in my path. I am stronger than I think and when it comes down to it I, like anyone, will fight for what I think is right and for my own personal feeling no matter what anyone else thinks. I can also say that when I think God is telling me something isn't right I fight even harder until I am totally spent.
So thanks to you who have heard my voice screaming and venting and have listened to me and challenged me to look back at myself, to examine what I really wanted. Although I still think I'm right I do now find a little light in the direction you are facing.

Harry...Harry Potter

Hello, so for those of you who don't know I am a Harry Potter fan!

Yes, I am one of the freaks who was lined up at midnight last week waiting to buy my book and I can proudly say I read it in 4 days, which is good for me (since I hated to read throughout school and didn't appreciate it fully until, well the first Harry Potter and the Lord of the Rings, which I didn't discover until 2001).
I enjoyed the book and won't tell you what happens, just in case, but I think it's worth a read. Whether you like the end or not all of these books by JK Rowling are worth your time. She's made this world so full and interesting that it's just wonderful to step into them when you aren't having the best time in this real world.
They are like movies on the page and like going to the movies, I really enjoy picking up a book and drifting off into that world. So to Harry, living/dead or whatever, I salute you and the last book in your wonderfully tragic story.

New Music Anyone?

Her name is Colbie Caillat and she's great, darling even. She's got a soft guitar and piano sound, her voice is intriguing and evokes great emotion, her songs are easy to listen to and sing along with.
I discovered her by chance on myspace and I hope that she will be the first myspace music artist to make it really big (unless someone else has already done it, then she'll be the next). Her album is available on Itunes, but you can listen to some of her music on myspace and youtube.
Her name is Colbie Caillat and her album is called Coco...check it out.

it's been sooooo long...

but I'm back and I have a lot to say, but I'll put it all in different posts so that you don't have to read this let's start off with my new favorite love....
His Name is Shia LaBeouf
ain't he cute....anyway...he leads me to my second ever movie review...
Now, a year ago I was not at all interested in seeing this pic....I just thought another cartoon turns into a movie...lame! But I was quite surprised at the result of Michael Bay, Steven Spielberg and Shia's work. The movie was great and although I remember the cartoon and toys, I don't remember the story line (even though I apparently made my mom watch every episode with me), so the movie story is foreign to me and maybe you.
I love Shia, I think that he's cute and funny (he called his dog a crackhead) and I loved the parents (especially the "family talk" scene, which is painful and HIGHlarious)!
The chick, Megan Fox, is really pretty and I'm sorry but Josh Dummel is hot too. With Anthony Anderson, Bernie Mac, Tyrese Gibson and Jon Voight rounding out the cast it was just a great piece of summer blockbuster fun. And that's only the humans....
Optimus Prime, Megatron, Bumble Bee...they and the rest of the transformers where so great and real on screen that it hurt me to watch them fight each other. But the Autobots won and really that's all that counts....but I can't help thinking there's going to be a sequel! I mean that end was too light for me. I'm sure the message will get out not only to other autobots, but decepticons too.
Anyway, if you want a good time at the movies and haven't seen it yet...Transformers is the ticket. Enjoy!

Wednesday, July 04, 2007



Hope you are all having a wonderful start to your summer (and staying cool). Just wanted to drop a line so that you know I'm still alive and kicking.
Everything is a little crazy now that it's summer, but since I have a little time at the moment I just wanted to say Hello and Happy 4th!

Friday, April 27, 2007


I had a very interesting day today. I was given some insight into things that I didn't know I was even thinking about. Just pray that I make the right decisions and don't screw stuff up.



Have you ever found yourself in a conversation that's one sided, either you won't shut up or the other person won't?
Well what do you think, are you embarrassed or irritated?
Dumbstruck or challenged?
Really, why is it so hard for us to just listen?
We live in a society that teaches us to be dominant and strong , to do whatever we can to be the best and first....we fight amongst ourselves for it and build sports around it and we ever wage war because of it.
Ultimately we don't like to listen, because it's too nice.
Humans are naturally aggressive ...
it's true throughout history and in our current age of "enlightenment" you would think that we could find a way to communicate without having to take such drastic measures to accomplish our goals.
We don't listen because it would take too much time away from what we love...conflict.
Watch movies, television, even the news there's always conflict involved...physical, emotional, and mental conflicts are all around us. We thrive on them and can't wait to come in contact with another one.
It's in our very nature even though we don't want to admit it.
I'd like to sit in a room full of diverse men and women and have a conversation. I'd ask them the most profound questions I could think of and just listen and try to learn from them. Now I won't agree with them all, but do I have to.
Isn't a great conversation one that has a little bit of everything in it?
I wonder if I could sit people in a room and have that entire room LISTEN not just hear each other.
I wonder if that conversation could begin a little change in someone? Maybe even the world.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Let the Movie Season Begin...

I guess you can call this summer's movie season "the summer of the sequels", there are at least five movie sequels coming out this summer and not just sequels, we're talking thirds, fourths and fifths (there's even a ninth, but they're not advertising it as that). So I'm excited about this summer season, because I want to see most of these movies...I'm soooo excited about a few, that I'm completely beside myself.

For me, the summer movie season kicked off with DISTRUBIA, I saw a trailer for it and thought it looked cool and I wasn't disappointed. Next up is Hot Fuzz, which I haven't seen yet but WILL!!! And well the rest....I'll just leave a list below, hopefully you'll see them two and we'll have something to talk about!

Spiderman 3
Harry Potter and the order of the phoenix
Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End
The Bourne Ultimatum
28 Weeks Later
Ocean's 13
Resident Evil: Extinction

And these are some movies that seem interesting, but aren't sequels

The Kingdom

So enjoy your summer at the movies and until my first review....the Balcony is closed.

Monday, April 23, 2007

Ignorant Man

I wrote this months ago, but my computer shut down for a while so I didn't post it...but here it is

I decided to address what may be the ugliest and most explosive word in the modern language. In the wake of Michael Richards' outburst and now the use of this word on MTV's the Real World, I think it's time for my opinion on the word. I've never had anyone call me that word, but I have heard it in my everyday life. In fact, we use it regularly in my father, brother and I do. My mom doesn't think we should but we have silently out ruled her.
Honestly, the word and its history are shameful and up until a couple years ago I had never said it. Two Hispanic guys I went to high school with used the word all the time. They grew up in South Central, to them...even though they weren't black, it was a normal thing and although I knew it was offensive I understood why they used it. But one day it became too much for me and I asked that they not use it around me. I told them I didn't care if they used it, but I didn't care to hear it and well, they were respectful and I never heard it used again. But that was Ten years ago.
It's now 2006 and you would think that this word would be gone...that only ignorant or racist people would use it. But along time ago blacks took this damaging, hate-filled word and turned it into something usable and respectful. Really, I don't know how or why but you can hear this word blasting through radios or on telephone conversations and even just in passing. Black people will use this word outside the church to call out their "boy", but God forbid a white person use it. Why?
I know why, but that's not my real question, my real question is why does anyone have to use this word? It should be dead; it shouldn't be used by anyone for any reason. I include myself in this. Every time we as black people use this word we are slapping the memory of our ancestors in the face. We are lashing them with whips; we are making what they had to go through unimportant. We have freedoms are grandparents and great-grandparents could only dream of yet, we are taking them for granted and trying to seem cool or hip.
Ignorant Man...that's what it means. That's what the white slave traders thought of the Africans they stole and sold away. We came from a rich and intelligent land that housed library's and universities, but all they saw was ignorance...but now look at us...all we care about is the next rap artist, how our rims look, how much bling we can get on our person at once. Maybe we are what they said we are?


Monday, April 02, 2007

It's Spring Break and I've got the next week off. Yeah I'm so happy that I can just lof around and do want I want or do nothing! I wish everyone could have a spring break. Hope you all have a good week.

Saturday, March 31, 2007

Sick Again

this is ridiculous, I'm sick, I'm just going to hook an Orange Juice or vitamin C iv to my arm and go about my day....maybe then I'll stay healthy longer then a month.

Friday, March 23, 2007

Kids Say the Darnest Things

This morning, during art one of my kids said the gross and unsanitary as it might be, it's also pretty funny...
"I went into the bathroom and my sister was on the toilet, but I had to go, so I pee'd on her lap and my mom got really mad at me!"
Kids say and do the darnest things!

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Congratulations to Me

I have finally got a Digital Camera, not the one on my phone a real one. So I can put pictures on the Internet! I'm going to try and set up a flicker account...(good luck) but soon you will be able to see what I'm seeing and doing in my life...and now I have a camera to use when I become a paparazzi (but that's not until summer when the Beckhams arrive!)

Last Weekend

I went on a Monastic Retreat with several small group leaders of my church. We all drove up to the San Bernardino Mountains and stayed at the Oak Glen Christian Conference Center. I had a good time, I felt relaxed and centered, and during on time there we focused mostly on ourselves and our walk with God.
I learned somethings about my relationship with God that I found hard to deal with, but I believe that in reaching that place and beginning to really heal my hurts I can truly become close to God and become a true disciple. And I learned how to center myself so that I can hear God's "still small voice" without being distracted and giving up. It's always a good feeling to know that God is laying his hands on and showing you exactly what you need and want to see.
I had a great time in worship, friendship and spiritual awareness. There were somethings I didn't really feel worked for me, but I am glad that I took part in the entire weekend. I'm glad that God put me in that place and made the impact I needed.
Thank you Ruben and Brooke for all your work and examples and thanks to my fellow retreaters...Paul and Peggy, Esther, Sanseria, Philip and Yvonne. And Kevin thanks for coming up and being yourself and for listening and advising me, even though neither of us knew exactly what I should do next.
Thank You God, for giving me what I need and understanding me even when I don't understand myself.

Monday, March 19, 2007

Girls Aloud

I've been meaning to get the new Girls Aloud album from I-Tunes...oh wait, if you don't know Girls Aloud is the best selling girl group in English history. Anyway, they came out with there greatest hits album last year sometime and after recently discovering itunes and decided that when I had the chance I would buy and download it...well today was that day and after an hour of searching I have discovered that itunes no longer sells Girls Aloud's I'm a little bummed...I guess I just have to buy it from uk amazon...and pay like 25 dollars US. aaargh!
Beauty is deeper than skin
but you must look into the heart to find it.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007


was a tough day, I had a very frustrating time throughout that enitre day, so much so that I have arranged to take half the day off for tomorrow. I just can't do it...I really wanted to just go home and cry and that was only at 12:30pm. I don't know my just frustrated with some of my staff and some of the of whom I really don't like....I REALLY DON'T LIKE. I don't know, it was just one of those days.
I hope that everyone is having a great week.

This is a shout out

to one of my best buds Kristi!!!

I just have to say that I love this girl, she's always been so caring and easy to talk to. I've always felt spiritually connected to her, more so than anyone else. She is so great to talk to... caring, loyal and prayerful. She listens and gives advice without being judgemental..and she's totally supportive even when she feels like your wrong she lets you figure it out.
She is truly one of God's angels on earth. I am proud for her and happy that she is so happy in her life. If you don't know her you should and if you do your are truly lucky...

I love you Kristi!!!

Monday, February 26, 2007


hey everyone...NASCAR is back and guess what, I went down to the California Speedway this weekend and watched the Busch Kasey...(you remember Kasey) he didn't drive in that race, but we had pit passes and we got to see him up close and personal and he's even better looking in person!!!
I had a great time and will totally put the pictures up soon, so stay posted but I had so much fun this weekend. It was great I can't wait to go back down in September!
Thanks Jen and Aunt Ruth for the fun and pictures!

For those of you....

who don't know me, never met me and probably never will... but you've found my blog and decided that you need to leave a comment DONT LEAVE A HATEFUL ONE!!! I choose to write about the things I want to write about because its my blog...I choose to use the colors and fonts that I like...if you knew me, you would know who I am and why I do the things I do, if you don't know me and have nothing positive to say DONT LEAVE A COMMENT go read someone else's stuff and leave me ALONE!

thanks, have a great day!!!

Monday, February 19, 2007


has lost her mind, I think we should all pray for the saftey of her children.

oh yeah and by the way, congratulations to Kevin Harvick for stealing the Daytona 500 from Mark Martin...don't worry I'm not britter...okay maybe a little

Sunday, February 11, 2007

The Flu

SUCKS!!! Just incase you didn't already know...if you haven't had it yet this year, make sure you don't catch it, but if you're reading this cause you're at home sick with it... I'm sorry. I know how you feel. Get better soon!

Thursday, January 25, 2007

The Real Terrorists

My cousin has two sheets of stickers that say "Bush Is A _______" hanging on her wall. She let other people fill in some of the blanks. One of them says "Bush Is A Terrorist", my dad has been saying that the news and newscasters are the terrorists and I just read a profile on myspace that stated that the original settlers of this country were terrorists. So it got me to wonder...who are the real terrorists? And do we see people that way because of the circumstances we're in and finally are we the terrorists!?
We look around this world and see acts of violence and religious radicalness (is that a word?) and we are told that's these are acts of terrorism, yet we wouldn't know about them if the news shows weren't glorifying them at the top of every hour. And the truth is, can't we as Americans be called terrorists for going in and destroying another country without true just cause? Isn't George W., as our president, then the leader of a terrorist nation? Most Americans would hate me for asking these questions, but I'm trying to get at the truth.We say that the men and women who attack innocents are evil people...yet we are involved in a war, in a country that had nothing to do with the attack on us. In fact, the international community doesn't even back us up on this war and yet we see ourselves as superior...if a country had come into ours with bombs and hostelly taken over our government, we would definitely call them terrorists. Not saying that Hussein was a kind gentle leader who had done nothing wrong...but what had he done to us directly? I believe that our George had in mind to go after him no matter what happened, in other words, I believe that even if 911 hadn't have happened we would have eventually found ourselves in his war.
So then I guess I can stand by and say that he is a terrorist and because of his actions we are all, unwillingly, terrorists too. We have been asked to standby and blindly accept this plan and now that we are stuck the plan is being changed, but the truth of the matter is...we did what the bombers do, but we did it on a bigger scale and with a big fat lie. I don't except anyone to agree with me, but I don't think it's right....I don't think any hate-filled act of violence is acceptable. And at this time I'm disgusted by the man we have in power and what he has turned me into. Because the truth is as I sit here as a citizen of America I have unwillingly been turned into a terrorist.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

hey everyone,

Just wanted to say computer is about to crash and I've been busy cryin over I'm working on something for stay tuned!


Saturday, January 13, 2007

Inspired by "A New World"

She mourns him at the feet of the river and covers herself in the warm ash of an old fire.
I'm sad for her, I'm sad for her life and the love she lost because of a lie. The light of the sun shines on her but all she sees is the darkness of death that chills her skin and and breaks her heart.
Her tears stream down her face and she does not care enough to wipe them away.
You can look into her eyes and see that she will never be the same.
Years have passed, moments have lingered and still her eyes show her loss.
She is married now, but her love for him who was lost is all the fills her heart.
But she now has hope...hope in her child, hope in the life she has helped to create, the son that will fill her heart with the love she lost so long ago.
She plays with him, chases him, feeds him...reads to him.
Teaches him the world through her eyes.
But still in her heart she still mourns at the feet of the river longing for the love she's lost.

Friday, January 05, 2007

When asked what he'd like to hear God say when he got to the pearly gates, Matt Damon said...

"all of the suffering that you saw or heard about or knew was happening, there was a point to it and if you come in the back I'll tell you all about it."

Just something for you to think about.

Thursday, January 04, 2007

My New Favorite Voice is...

my friend Becky she's a singer, songwriter who has decided to try and do something with her music. Lately she's been singing in Karaoke bars and at church, but she's ready to step out and see where the music and God will take her. So I have placed the link to her myspace page below...if you have myspace you should definitely be able to view it, but if you don't it still might work. Any who check it out. I just trying to put her out there and help her along in her musical journey.

Hope you are all having a great s to your 2007.

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

New Years Resolutions!!!

Today one of my co-workers asked me if I had any New Year Resolutions. I said yes, but I know that I probably won't keep any of them. No, I'm not going to tell you what they are, they're personal to me. I've decided that this year instead of telling everyone what I hope to accomplish this year, I'm going to write myself a letter and in six months I'll open it and see how far I made it with them. I usually fail within the first week. But maybe, if I take it easy and try not to do anything too crazy I'll succeed. Or maybe like usual I'll just brush them side and do my own thing.
We like to set ourselves up for things, but instead of making 5 or 10 resolutions, maybe we should just make one and instead of alot of them at the beginning of the year we should just take them on slowing throughout the year. For example, if you want to give up smoking...start that at the beginning, that's a task that can take years to accomplish, so instead of stacking it next to losing weight and reading more of the Bible and I don't stop watching porn, just start with the smoking thing and as you get more comfortable....then stop get on an excercise routine....then the reading and so forth. If you start all that at might just give it all up.
But I don't know that's just my opinion. Well GOODLUCK with your resolutions and have a wonderful 2007.