Wednesday, March 14, 2007

This is a shout out

to one of my best buds Kristi!!!

I just have to say that I love this girl, she's always been so caring and easy to talk to. I've always felt spiritually connected to her, more so than anyone else. She is so great to talk to... caring, loyal and prayerful. She listens and gives advice without being judgemental..and she's totally supportive even when she feels like your wrong she lets you figure it out.
She is truly one of God's angels on earth. I am proud for her and happy that she is so happy in her life. If you don't know her you should and if you do your are truly lucky...

I love you Kristi!!!


KBugg said...

Hey Mel!
Is this about me? Or do you have another friend named Kristi?!?! :-)

I LOVE YOU!!!!!! And I thank God for you! Can't wait to see you. Keep your chin up about your job and those you work (kids included). Remember God put you there for a reason!

P.S.- do you mean "shut out" like you said, or "shout out"? ha ha


Melanie said...

Yes i meant you...thanks for your words! And i fixed the typo!