Monday, April 27, 2009


So Lindsay got dumped by the girl she never actually confirmed she was dating, but her sister still doesn't think she's a lesbian...I just think she needs a sandwich!

Tom Cruise..still crazy

Britney is still crazy too, but at least it's not scary anymore, it's kind of funny.

I really like our first lady and the way she dresses.

Even though things change, they always stay the same.

the swine flu isn't actually from swine (at least that's what the chick on GMA said)

Louis Black makes me laugh no matter how many times I watch the same special.

I can't figure out way country music is getting better and everything else still sucks!

I don't understand why they would push Harry Potter back 8 months then move it forward two days....just leave it alone already!

Tahmoh Penikett (just look him up)

Bradley Cooper barely covered by a sheet in He's Just Not that in to You.

Boys are nuts!

Thank You Miss California...

I'm not saying I agree or disagree with Miss California's opinion about gay marriage, but I can certainly thank her for standing by your convictions and giving her honest opinion. What people have to understand and realize is that not everyone in America or the world agrees with homosexuality as a lifestyle, nor do they believe in gay marriage.
So you didn't like her answer to the question. Fine, that's your opinion, that's your right...but it's also hers! She has the right to her own opinion and beliefs, she obviously grew up in a Christian home where she was taught that true relationships ordained by God are between a man and a woman. I was taught that too, would I have given that answer, I don't know. But I do know that I would have tried to be true to myself, my heart, my God and my family. She didn't say anything negative, yet she is being dragged through the mud. I think it's truly unfair and wrong.
I stand up and say THANK YOU to Miss California for standing up and being honest, that's what I think our role models should be. We live in a society where having where loose morals is okay, but standing up for what you believe in can get you verbally beat down and abused in makes me ashamed to be here!

Thinking of de-cluttering

For the last couple of years I've planned to overhaul my bedroom to make it less clutter-filled and more me. But I have never actually done it. It's a time consuming process that I'll have help doing but the lazy dog days of summer never actually amount to anything more than lazy days.
But I have gotten serious about it this year and have decided that I'm going to get rid of the things I don't need and give myself more space in my crowded little room. I've been wanting to paint since....well for a long time and I haven't, but even if I don't paint it this summer, I am planning on getting some new furniture (mounted shelves, a small TV stand, a drafting desk and chair), these are all things that I'd like to have and all will eliminate clutter and add space to my room.

I'm also going to declutter my online life. Starting sometime this summer I'm going to close my myspace and facebook accounts. I'll keep my blog, because even if no one reads it it's therapeutic for me to be able to write it down...and I have no intention of getting a twitter account. I don't really see the point and frankly if I'm tried of facebook and myspace then twitter won't last long.

Hopefully all this will work out, but since I'm actively trying to work on it now, I'm sure it will, in some form. Alright, until next time!

Monday, April 06, 2009

Movies Reviews

Hello All,
A few months back I sat down and charted my movie going schedule for the year. Well I've seen some of these films (5 to be exact) and I wanted to give my reviews of them. So here we go....

UnderWorld 3: Rise of the Lycans
I actually liked this movie better than I thought I would. If you know anything about the Underworld franchise then you know it's a vampire/werewolf movie. This film gives the back story of how the Lycans (Werewolves) came to be and how they went from salves to enemies all because some were scared of the unknown. All in all I think this a movie that boys would like, and if you've already invested yourself in the franchise, in this adds to the story.

Bride Wars
I've loved Kate Hudson since Almost Famous and Anne Hathaway since Princess Dairies and I love anything having to do with weddings, so put those two in a wedding movie and you've got me! It didn't disappoint, but this is NOT a guy movies, unless he's gay! This is strictly a girlfriend flick, something to go see (or watch on DVD) with your friend, before or after a nice dinner and glass of wine. It's about friends, who despite wanting to hate each other they realize that they can't really be apart. But it's fun to watch them mess each other up while they slowly figure things out. It's kind of predictable, but who cares, it's a good funny, crying girly movie!

Confessions of a Shopaholic
Speaking of girly you go. NO BOYS ALLOWED! Not cause we don't want you, but because we don't think you'd understand. This is a cute little movie about well shopping and a girl trying to find her real self, even though she doesn't know that's what she's really looking for. In the end, like all fairy tales, she gets the job, the boy, her friend back, and lives happily ever after. I don't know if these things really happen, but we can all hope!

Madea Goes To Jail
Tyler Perry is a fool! But I'm glad he's given us Madea and Uncle Joe. It's sad at times and you may cry, but with all of his movies Tyler Perry underlines this laugh out loud funny movies with warmth and a message and integrity, love and friendship. Sometimes, we need to laugh, but that doesn't have to be the whole story and it's not with this movie. There are several story lines that inter-connect, but it's worth just sitting back and letting the story take you on a journey.

I liked it, I think. This is a good movie. I have to stay that the writer got me! I thought I figured it all out halfway through the movie only to be thwarted in the end. I'm not mad about that, I'm just a little underwhelmed with the all too used cliche used to end the movie. It's worked, but I felt like saying, "NOT AGAIN", in the middle of the crowded theater. Nic Cage and Rose Byrne were good, but the kids are the real story. The little girl, so creepy in the beginning is great and the little boy was perfect. I'd say go see it a let me know what you thin about it. It was a good ride and I may just buy the DVD, not many get me and I can appreciate that this one did!

So that's all I have to say, hopefully I'll get out to see Fast and Furious soon. Until Next Time!!!

New Camera

My Best Friend Amber and I decided to take a Photography class, so that we could learn the basics of taking good pictures. It's cool, because I've always had the desire to learn about photography, but never made the effort.

So I went out and bought a new/old camera. It's not ditigal, so that I can learn how to develop film. It's a Cannon 35 mm all black. So far I've only taken a few pictures but we're going to get some books and go out and start experimenting on them (she got a camera too), so that we kind of know what we're doing when the class starts. I'm really excited about it. Hopefully I'll soon be posting some photos (after getting them developed then scanning them onto the computer) posted on here for your viewing pleasure.

I'm so excited!!