Saturday, December 29, 2007

Silence and Nothing More

On a whim (after thinking about it for months) I went down to the Disney Job faire and after 2 days of interviews I was hired as a Research Analyst for the Disneyland Resort. My first official day was December 15, but I didn't actually leave San Marino until a week or so later.
I gave my notice and no one said anything to me. The office staff and managers acted like nothing had happened. I expected it, but it was still surprising. In fact I got more well wishes, sadness and encouragement from the teachers at Carver School then I did from the people at work. The parents were great though, they all made me feel really good about myself and the job that I had been doing. I would have stayed under better circumstances, but i couldn't (for my own sanity) work with those people anymore. I did express this to some of the parents and teachers, but not many. I don't really care what the Recreation Department hears, because in my opinion I didn't lie about anything, in fact I was the one who was lied to.
The same week I gave my notice we had the city Christmas party and all of my bosses were there, not one of them said anything to me...they came to the table i was sitting at but there was silence and noting more from them. On my last day, Sue asked me where I was going, I told her I wasn't telling (ever) then I walked away. She's crazy if she thinks that I care about her enough to tell her what I hadn't told anyone else. She didn't care, she just thought that if she put me on the spot I would say something, shows how much she knew me. Stupid!
I left that job and was sad, but ready for a more adventurous future where I would be appreciated for my talents and skills. And not just looked at like someone to boss around and treat badly.

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