Thursday, May 21, 2009

No Doubt in Concert!!!

Tomorrow at this time I will be driving down to San Diego with Amber to see No Doubt at the Cricket Wireless Amphitheater. We will be spending the whole weekend down there taking in the sights and sounds of the city!
I'm so excited not only for the concert but also because I don't have to go to work tomorrow! I think it'll be good!
Have a great weekend everyone.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Google Someone

anyone (well someone you know, but not well)...a classmate or co-worker...and see what comes up. We have to remember that anything we do this is remotely connected to the Internet will find it's way to anyone through google searches. I just found some interesting stuff about someone!
Going to bed now!


I could only wish I sounded this good! Makes me want to cry!

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Lazy Days

This weekend was uneventful and some what lazy, but it was also pretty perfect. Saturday was lounging then off the get my hair done and today was more lounging (this time at Amber's in the Air Conditioning), washing the car and watching the Laker game with my god-dogs (yes, god dogs). Next weekend will be very eventful, hopefully not as hot, but I'll talk about that more later in the week. Tomorrow is back to work, which I'm not looking forward to, but hey we all have to do it. At least, I am only working 4 days this week, with a four day weekend and another 4 day week. Sweet! I'm excited for what's in store!

I hope you had a great weekend....Have a great week!


Friday, May 15, 2009

They're Back!!!

Okay so my last post was about the protesting teachers getting arrested outside of the LAUSD building by my job. I mentioned that originally the teachers intended to stage a "sick out" today but were compelled to go to work. Well after the school bell rang, to signify the end of the day, the teacher's association donned their red shirts (these are they official protest shirts) and came out to strike in front of the building again.

Now I can't be sure that these are the same teachers that got arrested earlier, but according to the news those individuals should be out of jail by now and could very well be back outside protesting. I can't see them (they are on the other side of the building) but I can hear them and I can see the traffic being caused by the street closures.

They have a point to make and they will be heard. Unfortunately I don't think it's going to make a difference.

UPDATE: According to the news the teacher arrested this morning were all off track....they did not intend to block the street and were peacefully picketing on the sidewalk across from the building when riot police arrived. When they saw the extremes LAPD resorted to, they then decided to sit in the street. And finally one of the first to be put in the "patty-wagon" was the teacher's association president.


So, I work in Downtown LA across the freeway and cat-a-corner to the Los Angeles Unified School District Headquarters. Well if you don't know, LAUSD is the largest district in the country and is currently going through the process of canning thousands of teachers and staff, because due to several reasons (including the poor economy) there's not enough money to pay them. Well the teachers are upset and have been pretty much camped out protesting the school board for weeks. I've gotten used to seeing picketers out marching in front of the building and every now and then (usually the same day as a big decision) there is a large gathering and march.

Well today is a little different. Earlier this week it was reported that the teachers were going to stage a "sick out", thousands were going to call in sick and leave the schools completely crippled without their presence. However, the superintendent found some law that he used to compel the teachers union to make all the teacher's actually attend work. I believe they might have come in an hour late, but all should have reported. So, I thought there would be no real problems here, just the usual small group. Well I was wrong...

I've done my best to take a picture of the may lay down below, but only having my camera phone and being 31 floors above the action, my shots are not coming out well. A slightly larger (50 to 75) group of people have stage a "sit-in" in the middle of the street, completely blocking traffic. Although they are peaceful they are breaking the law, which has cause the LAPD to send out about as many police in RIOT GEAR....yes helmets, shields the whole nine yards. There is a helicopter hovering and about 30 mins ago (11:30am), a patty-wagon arrived! It's like a movie, honestly.

My aunt, who works for LAUSD, is in that building and she sent me an email letting me know that her building is in "lock down" until further notice. So basically she's stuck! I called her a short time ago and asked if she was okay, she's fine, but said she doesn't know how she's going to get home, seeing as there is another protest scheduled to start at about 1:30pm. And apparently there was some kind of ruckus down there as well.

This is just some craziness that I thought I'd never see in my life. People staging "sit-ins" the next thing you know they'll try to actually take over the building....I guess that's why it's locked down.!!! Well it seems like all the protesters have been put into the patty-wagon and are on there way to jail. The police are starting to leave but the news vans are still here, so watch the news tonight and you'll see it in great detail (or whatever story the news decides to put of there!)


Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Mrs. Obama

I have watched and read how the world has been captivated by the first couple, but primarily with the First Lady. I have to admit that I too am captivated by her.

In my youth I remember two First Ladies...Nancy Regan and Hilary Clinton. I remember Mrs. Regan because of the "Say No to Drugs Campaign" which the public schools forced down our throats as children (and for some reason I always picture her in red). Mrs. Clinton I remember as being very homely looking and young. Well she was younger the her recent predecessors. I also remember alot of talk about her putting her career on the back-burner so that her husband could thrive. Now, I know that between these two women was another Barbara Bush, but because my parents are stanch Democrats and I don't really remember her doing much, I don't ever think about her.

In the last 8 years (give of take a few months) we had Laura Bush who, in my opinion, didn't do very much either. Which leads to Michelle. Now, I'm not saying all this because she's black, I'm going to say what I am saying because this is what I, white or purple!

I believe that our country needed some new blood, a new spirit in the white house. We needed youth, energy, culture and modernity! I believe that when the President and Mrs. Obama moved into the White House we finally got it. I am awed by the example she is setting not only in this country but in the world. I am proud that this country has stood up and embraced this woman...and as the world has done the same, I am proud that I can say I live in the country that put her on the world stage and I'm proud to be a woman and have a role model to look up too and yes I'm proud that she's African-American...but wait...there's more!

If she was a Caucasian, Asian or Indian woman bringing this type of poise and brightness to the world I would be just as proud. You see my pride isn't just in her color, it is in her. If Jed Bartlett and Dr. Bartlett (West Wing reference )had been real I would feel that same amount of pride. In her first 100 days she set out to show the country what kind of First Lady she wanted to be and in the middle of that she showed the world that the U.S. could be so much more than it currently is.

She hasn't hidden away in the White House, she's gone out gotten her hands dirty in the garden, volunteered for vets, gone to visit schools and more remarkably went to every major D.C. office and thanked the staffs personally shaking hands and letting them know that the First Family and nation appreciates what they do.

I could talk about her fashion, her hair and make up or the way her husband and children look at her, but I'm more interested in how the world and the country see her. If they look through my eyes they'd a strong woman, who knows who she is, knows who her husband is and knows what kind of mother, wife, first lady, daughter and role model she wants to be. I and many others aspire the know those things about myself some day and I'm glad that there's a woman on the forefront to show us that!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Why Not Me?

It's a lament I frequently cry out to God...but I'm starting to get the feeling he's not listening!

Monday, May 11, 2009

Star Trek

Yesterday was Mother's Day in two countries (Mexico and the U.S.), so my family celebrated by taking my mom to see Star Trek in IMAX! And because this is one of the movies on my list I will review it for you here...
First and foremost, this review is based on I suggest that you see it in IMAX, but it will only be there for 2 weeks (at least that's what the guy said as he was introducing it). So go get your tickets now (well read this first).
If you know nothing about Star Trek don't worry, J.J. Abrams and the writers did a great job of giving the fans and non-fans alike a great film to watch. If you pay attention you shouldn't get confused.
I loved the casting, they all make appearances and no one disappoints and (for those who know the show) they all say there catch phrase' have to wait, but they're in there. Chris Pine and Zachary Quinto do excellent jobs as Kurt and Spock! I for one started to forget about Mr. Nimoy and started to fully realize Quinto as the love able Vulcan. Checov, Sulu, Bones, Uhura and Scotty all play their parts and make this ride even more fun.
If you like action there's plenty of it, lots of fist fights (including one between Kurt and Spock) and lots lasers! The whole movie center's around Eric Bana's Nero seeking revenge...and although his ship was impressive Bana didn't do anything for me or the fact, to tell the truth, the whole movie was really about the crew. The story was good, it made sense with the Canon and was wrapped up in the end.
Besides Bana's brooding there's nothing bad to say about this movie. So I encourage you all to go see it (in IMAX) as soon as you can.

Live long and....

Sad...makes me want to cry.

I was reading an article this morning about a solider stationed in Iraq who killed 5 and injured 3 other military personnel. The more of the story I read the sadder I got. The incident took place at a stress clinic in Camp Liberty. I can only assume that the solider was there seeking some kind of treatment to whatever may be ailing him.

I'm not going to preach that he is not at fault for his/her actions, what I will say is...if this person is already showing signs of stress, so much so, that he's seeking help then why does that person have access to a weapon?

Although this shooting is painful and sad the information I gathered from the rest of the article broke my heart. This type of shooting (officer on officer) although more prevalent during Vietnam, has happened before in Iraq, as recently as September 08. And more soldiers have died of non-hostile incidents then have in combat. Most of these incidents stemming from PTD related suicides...and 5 SOLDIERS ATTEMPT SUICIDE EVERY SINGLE DAY IN IRAQ.


I think that, for no other reason than this, we need to bring our people home and get them ALL the help and love they need and deserve. My heart goes out to all...the living and the unfortunate dead...lies took them there...hopefully hope will bring them home!

Below is a link to the article I read, if I got any facts wrong I'm sorry.

Tuesday, May 05, 2009

These are a few photos I've taken so far this year, I thought I'd share them....What do you think? Is it still Tuesday?

It's Only Tuesday!

I've had such a long week and I realized halfway through the day that it's only Tuesday! I already wish this week was over so that I can get on to the next. I'm sure tomorrow will be worse.

Hope your week is better!

Saturday, May 02, 2009

Happy Birthday Mom!!!

Tomorrow is my mom's Birthday! She's celebrating by making everyone go to church with her. It should be a fun day full of high speed, reckless driving, panic and my dad being angry at everyone. I'm sure I'll write about it soon.

Happy Birthday Momma!

Pirates, Chicken Alfredo and Housesitting...

I'm at Paul and Amber's house again this weekend (just for the day and overnight). They went up to Pismo and didn't take Shelby (the dog) so she and I have had a laid back day of movies, food and car washing. Speaking of car washing, the worst part of washing your car is after it's all said and done...and you come back to it later and a bird has already defaced it (....several times!).
Today was a great day, I made brownies, watched the American President and the Notebook (for the first time) cooked for myself, washed my car and some clothes and now I'm wrapping up the night with a little Pirates of the Caribbean. I've also cleaned the kitchen (they thought the cleaning lady was going to come before I got here, but she called and cancelled at the last minute, so if I wanted to cook, I had to clean...) it wasn't that bad, just plates and glasses, they ate out last night so I didn't have to worry about pots and pans.
Anyway, work this week was okay. I'm not looking forward to this up coming week, but this month starts my summer swing off week Star Trek beams into theaters and I don't know about you but Zach Quinto looks hot with Vulcan ears! It would only be better if Lt. Commander Data was in it, but since this is a movie only involving the o.g. characters I'm kind of assed out on that. In a couple of weeks it's No Doubt, then Comic Con, my birthday and Vegas baby...and in between some babysitting opportunities and more house sitting! I'm so looking forward to this summer, it should be really cool.

Until Next Time....WAY IS THE RUM GONE!