Tuesday, January 02, 2007

New Years Resolutions!!!

Today one of my co-workers asked me if I had any New Year Resolutions. I said yes, but I know that I probably won't keep any of them. No, I'm not going to tell you what they are, they're personal to me. I've decided that this year instead of telling everyone what I hope to accomplish this year, I'm going to write myself a letter and in six months I'll open it and see how far I made it with them. I usually fail within the first week. But maybe, if I take it easy and try not to do anything too crazy I'll succeed. Or maybe like usual I'll just brush them side and do my own thing.
We like to set ourselves up for things, but instead of making 5 or 10 resolutions, maybe we should just make one and instead of alot of them at the beginning of the year we should just take them on slowing throughout the year. For example, if you want to give up smoking...start that at the beginning, that's a task that can take years to accomplish, so instead of stacking it next to losing weight and reading more of the Bible and I don't stop watching porn, just start with the smoking thing and as you get more comfortable....then stop get on an excercise routine....then the reading and so forth. If you start all that at once...you might just give it all up.
But I don't know that's just my opinion. Well GOODLUCK with your resolutions and have a wonderful 2007.

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