Sunday, November 29, 2009

Happiness Is a Choice!

I once hear someone say, love is a don't fall in and out of love. you choose every day to love someone or something! I've thought, mediated and reflected on that thought on many occasions since then. I do believe that statement, I do believe that we choose who we love. Even the people we don't like (certain family members or friends of friends or people you go to church with) we may choose to love. I was recently reflecting on my current state of happiness and how, despite being frustrated and anger at time throughout the year, I have been happy! I'm choosing everyday to be happy and thankful for the blessings I have in my life.

I'm choosing!

We take for granted the every day mundane things we have in our lives...the ability to think rationally, the ability to breathe without help, the ability to walk, talk, smell, see, use our hands...small things that we just do (hey the ability to blink). We don't necessarily think "oh it's time to sallow" or "it's time to blink", our bodies just to do it! And that's a miraculous thing. So why not be thankful for it or happy to have it?

I've had a difficult year at work, but no matter how hard it got I was happy that I had a job, when so many do not. I've looked at the circumstances of my life. They aren't perfect...there are certainly things I want (don't need'em, but want'em), but I have chosen to wake up every day and be happy with what I have. God has blessed me with so much and everyday I am happy to experience what He has in store for me, whether it be hard or easy. It's part of the journey and I am happy to still be on it.

There are people around me that only see the negative. I feel bad for them, they have completely missed the point. They don't see the smallest blessings...I would take the small ones over the big ones any day. I am happy to have friends, however few, I am happy to see that they are happy. We never seem to really be happy because there's always something we can find the negative in...but maybe, just maybe, if we stop looking for the negative and focus on the positive we can truly be happy within our own situation.

So, yes I can stand up and say that I believe, truly, that happiness is a choice and I choose everyday to be happy in my small life in this world. I don't care how big it is, I just care that I am blessed and happy! I hope that you can choose to be happy too!

Until Next Time

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