Monday, July 26, 2010

Let the Fire Simmer down

  On Friday I was given some news that really hurt and shocked me. And in that moment I was ready to start a war and bring as many people down as possible. But I stopped myself...knowing that I was not in the right state of mind to convey the message and information I needed/wanted to get across. So I wait...
   With every intention of writing an angry email to two people I got in my car and started to vent to my mother, who in her motherly wisdom told me to wait. She told me to go about it all in a different way and to see if what I thought was real of blown out of proportion. So I did...I didn't think about it all weekend, I let the fire simmer down and the steam vent out of me.
    Arriving at work I knew what I had to do, so I wrote an email, not an angry one. A curious one...and that was all I needed to start the ball rolling...turns out things weren't what I thought they were and I almost made a mistake. I kept my head and now hopefully I'm now the road to problems solved.
    That is, until the next time it happens.  So lesson of the day...take some time before you react. It's could save you in the end.

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