Wednesday, May 26, 2010 I come?

My friend Kristi has a plan...she's had this plan since she moved to Ventura (about 7 maybe 8 years ago). Her get me up to Ventura too! Kristi is a determined person and once she puts her mind to something it seems to happen. And as I see her, she's also a free spirit who leaps and isn't afraid of where she might land. That is, I'm sure, why she moved out to California from Indiana in the first place. So, even though this plan of hers has been in effect for a while and even though I've been okay with it, I'm now starting to warm up to the idea completely.
    I love Ventura it's a great place. It feels like home (more so than any other city I've ever had the pleasure to visit) and it always has since I first started going up there. No matter what's going on with me everything melts away when I get there. It's like the city wraps me up and takes care of me while I'm there. Okay, I know that sounds hokie, but that's how I feel about it. So, now that one of my prayer requests includes moving out on my own I have this pulling in my heart to head North. I don't know if life will be simpler there or better for that matter, but it already feels like home and since my heart's already there, the rest of me should be too.

         The more I think about it, the more my heart longs for it. I'm not scared at all! I feel like a new world is waiting for me. A world full of new experiences and possibilities...I could be wrong though. I could be fantasizing based on what I've watched Kristi gain by moving up there. How her life changed and became something to aspire to. I could move there and find more of the same, my heart diluted into believing something wonderful is waiting but how would I ever know if I don't chance it? If I don't take that faithful leap to where God wants me to be.
         It'll take patience, prayer and hope to find that path, it'll take sacrifice and fearlessness to understand what needs to be done. It'll take a'll take'll take God.
         So I know what my prayers will be focused on...that God will open the doors to my future and clearly shut the doors that lead down the wrong paths. If I'm meant to be in Ventura...if that's his plan for me, then I am ready and willing to go...if not then I will always have my other family there to visit! But I really hope thats where he wants me to be!

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