Thursday, May 06, 2010

Harry Potter Analysis

 As you know (maybe not), I am a big fan of the Harry Potter series. I enjoy those books tremendously and I've read and re-read them countless times. Some friends of mine have a daughter who just read through the entire series this past summer (literally all 7 books). She has finally convinced her father to read the series because, well they're good reads. He is reading them, not only that, he is also analysing their Christian message.
  Most Christians will not allow their children anywhere near these books because they deal with subject matter that Christians demean detrimental to their children. Witchcraft. What people fail to realize is this, the witchcraft aspect of the novel is just another setting in the world. To me it would be like Harry was a teenage boy in Iraq who was Muslim (Christians probably wouldn't let their kids read that either), but it's that simple, just another setting a different world from ours.
  My friend has decided to find the lines that link Harry's world to what Christians consider their spiritual world (walk). So far he's only done two Chapters of the first book, but he has done a good job and though I haven't spent LOTS of time thinking about it I have thought (somewhat) about the parallels...he's gone deeper than I ever cared to.
  To me these books are JK Rowling's equivalent to The Lord of the Rings and Chronicles of Narina. Both those series were written by devout Catholics and she as a Christian, wanted to write these novels. Now, I'm not sure if she wrote them with the intentional Christian slant, but when you actively walk with God everything you do takes on that slant. I do know that some aspects of the book she did use intentionally (i.e. certain, bible verse and references).
   Why am I writing about this you may ask? Well its simple...I think that he's doing a good job with them. So I'm trying to decide whether or not I should put them up on the blog...I'm thinking about encouraging him to re-activate his blog and put them up there. But since he's doing Chapter by Chapter it'll be a long I have time to decide. I think it'll be interesting.
   Okay, and for all those you fear the Christianizing of yet another book...if you have read or listened to any JK Rowling interviews you would know where she stands. I see it like this...another person is setting off on the adventure with Harry...and although I know where that adventure leads, I am happy that someone else will enjoy I soon will (again) too.

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