Wednesday, November 05, 2008

What I believe

Let me tell you something about myself.

I'm a democrat
I believe in a woman's right to choose
I believe that a gay couple should have rights like any other, but not so sure that marriage is the answer
I believe the war in Iraq is wrong
I believe that everyday my fellow Americans are being killed for a war motivated by revenge and the control of oil.
I believe that the President elected by our country 8 years ago was never allowed to take the oath of office.
I believe that I am a victim, as a citizen, of the power of rich families with historic legacies and how they operate like I don't exist.
I believe that no child left behind doesn't work.
I believe that we are in a place in this country where we have lost not only the respect of the world around us, but the respect we used to have for ourselves.
I believe that we need a change
I believe that I am a 'real' citizen of this country and that Sarah Palin made us look stupider in the last 2 1/2 months then W. did this whole year
I believe that with what happened yesterday there is still hope to hold on to
I believe that ignorance is still rampant in this country and will be because there are some people who aren't willing to listen with respect or step outside their box
I believe that I have seen history
I believe that God is in control....and so should you.

1 comment:

KBugg said...

Ok, I thought I'd respond with a little something about me: :-)

I don't claim to be apart of any party or regime.

I believe that killing innocents is WRONG. One wrong does not justify in doing another wrong (as in the case of rape or incest). Life is precious and is a gift, no matter how it is received. My opinion on this has become even stronger since I began my journey through infertility this past 2 years.

I don't consider myself a victim. I trudge on. Life could be worse. God is in control (like you said), and we are called to press on, not to be victims. Remember WHOSE you are, then you will not think you are a victim.

Everything else I whole-heartedly agree with you on...
I love that we can have differences but still respect each other!

I love you Mel!