Sunday, April 04, 2010


       As you grow it is inevitable that some friendships will grow distant. Some will completely fall away and still some will continue on a understanding that your love for one another, will always be there in good times and through bad, but you don't have to talk daily, weekly or even monthly.
       I am discovering that I have varying relationships on all these themes. There are very few people I know who will always be there for me to lean on. In fact, these people I can name easily. There are some who I've grown away from naturally as I sought my own road and self. But there are some that I've walked away from, because they'd become stagnant or broken.
       My journey in this life, has found me lucky and allowed me to walk along and learn from many people from all walks of life. In that time, I soaked up vitally important knowledge, but ultimately most come to an end. I move on to something different traveling to something else I need to learn.
       The few people I am continually connected to are those I truly believe God placed in my life for both our goods. These are the people I can openly speak to, who allow me to grow and give me space. These are the people I can say anything to without fear. As I recently searched myself for a clearer understanding of what I want in this life, I realized who I needed to be in healthy satisfying relationships with. I learned that some people I hold on to are not in the same place as I am, and right now, I need people to truly understand the place I am in, whether they've been there before or not. That my sound selfish, and maybe it is...but this is where I am in this life.
       I've found that I give much and get little, heart is big and easily broken. Sometimes I need a friend who will know it's about me, not always and even alot...but sometimes, I need it to be about me. I guess that's another reason why I am in love with those people around me that I can rely on, because they know that its about me sometimes and they don't begrudge me that right.
        And because I'm not afraid to cry in front of them.


KBugg said...

I hope that I am one of those people to you.

Melanie said...

YOU ARE on that list. Thank You!