Tuesday, September 09, 2008


Sometimes you think to yourself, "nothing surprises me anymore", then something you least expected surprises you. I'm going through that right not, the only thing is it really doesn't surprise me, more like wow, that was a bold and nonsensical thing to do or say.
People are illrational (I don't think that's a real word) sometimes and you have to weed through their craziness in order to get to the truth. But the truth is hard to define. We all see truth differently, two people may watch or witness the samething, but because of their background or experiences they'll take it in and process it in a completely different way.
Differences are what make us special and unique but they can also be the cause of misunderstandings, prejudice and general saddness around us. I try my best to see things from others perspectives, to see what I may not see and to feel how they may feel because of an experience suffered in their past. I try to do that with the people around me...sometimes I'm successful, sometimes I'm not. And then there are other times when I think, wish and hope that people would stop and try to do that for me. I guess I'll never actually know if that hope was rewarded. But right now I feel like its hopeless.

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