Sunday, September 21, 2008


So I haven't written in a while because I haven't had anything to write about. Life's been pretty mundane and down right boring...but I should write something so here are some tidbits to tied us all over until I find something to write about....

I bought a new alarm clock, my old one died in the middle of the night, luckily I wake up and look at the clock at least once every night so I noticed it before I over slept. The new one is pretty cool. Its a clock radio and it does all these neat things...and it works, which is the important thing.
Came to the park with my family on Tuesday (9/16) to celebrate my brothers birthday. We had fun, but at about 5 I was done and ready to go. It was a long day.
I went by my old job to say hi to the people I like and ignore everyone else. The drama never ends there but at least people seem to be leaving to better themselves. And I realized I don't miss it as much as I thought I did.

Washington Mutual is in the crapper get your money out soon.

Finally (I know someone may ask about this so I'm just going to say it). Next year's theme at the Disney Parks and Resorts is "A Time to Celebrate/What are you Celebrating" something to that effect. And it was announced that you can come into the parks for free on your birthday...yes free...but here's the catch. You can't just show up and say its my birthday let me in. You have to register with Disney, probably via and you have to provide proof of your birth date upon arrival. So, if you are thinking about coming to the park on your birthday for free in 09, please do the research and don't embarrass yourself at the gate. And please don't claim to know me cause I ain't gonna help you if you're acting like a crazy person.

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