Friday, June 27, 2008

Lord of the Rings

So, I was in the midst of a Lord of the Rings marathon...but I had to give it up...I started watching the extras (I have the special edition versions of each movie...4 discs each, two for the movie, two for extras) their fantastic and even though I've seen them at least 50 times, I still have to watch them.

Then I found out today that my lovely friend Kristi is having a LotR themed birthday party...FANTASTIC...I'm not sure if I can go but I know it'll be wonderful.!

1 comment:

KBugg said...

I am catching up with your blog...the LOTR party was SUPERB and fantastic!!! I missed you. You can come up here with your LOTR trilogy anytime. I usually hold a Lord of the Rings Day twice a year, in which I get out the blow up air mattress, stay in my pjs and watch all 3 movies (extended versions) AND extras. Takes me about 18 hours and a case of Diet Pepsi Max but it's like my own private holiday. I love it!!!!