Wednesday, June 04, 2008

I found something to talk about...

Inappropriate commercials!!!!

There are some things we don't need to know, and some we don't care to know. At times people in our lives choose to share "too much information" with us and we either accept it or call them on it. Those are friends, but sometimes we hear, see or are told things that we just don't need to know. And there's nothing we can do about them....I'm talking commercials!

Have you ever been watching a television show one minute and the next you're watching a woman talking about her period and tampons or see two people about to get it on advertising for KY Jelly. Or finally (my personal favorite) two old folks giving each other the "eye" or sitting in bathtubs side by side holding hands. These are images that I'm sure help people but not all of us need or want to experience them.

I don't want to know about Viagra, Cialis or any other erectile dysfunction medication. I don't need to think about old folks doing it. I'm sure the men don't care to know about all the symptoms that come with a period and how to get rid of them. This is why we have friends, mother, fathers and Doctors, those people are here to help and share information with you about these types of things.

I wish advertisers would help by not putting these commercials EVERYWHERE, but its their job and its our job to watch, I have to admit, I have gone out and purchased new things because of these types of commercials, but most times when they come on, I just change the channel!

1 comment:

KBugg said...

I agree!!!!! I always wonder what kids think about those commercials and how parents explain them.