Saturday, October 24, 2009

The Obamas and The Huckstables!

There was a time in the United States when the only glimpse of a beautiful Black Family we saw on Television was the Huckstables (pictured below)! I, as a young black girl looked up to Claire, Cliff and all the kids! I saw love, family, success in life, spirituality and my skin on a screen that couldn't show me any of that in a package anywhere else.

Yesterday, I stumbled across this, the official family portrait, of our First Family (pictured above)! The first thought to pop in my head was what a beautiful black family, but now I say what a beautiful family! Does it matter that they are my skin tone...yes and no. Yes because finally young black girls and boys have someone other than the Huckstables to look up to and no because in our world of divorce, fighting and torn families, a family together in love and devotion to one another is to be praised no matter what they look like!

I am inspired by these people and proud that they are our first family!

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