Sunday, April 27, 2008

Something I wasn't expecting...Corridors

The name of the church is Corridors, it's primary facility is a coffee shop. It's an actual church but during Sunday daytime hours the sanctuary is rented out to two separate churches. There is a small coffee shop built into the back of the church building where Corridors holds it's Sunday night services.
We came in an hour late last week, but as soon as I sat down and looked around I felt this incredible feeling, it was familiar, it was comfortable, it was something that I needed. I sat there and listened to Kevin and felt this warm sense, like God was telling me this is what he'd been waiting to show me. It felt kind of like an excited kid showing you his new toy, only he wanted me to play with it. The feeling got stronger as I drove away that night. The feeling, the connection was instant. Crazy as it sounds I felt like I was in the center of his will and that a curtain I couldn't get past was opened and I was allowed to walk in and see this beautiful thing.
That may sound crazy, but my brain works in pictures and that's the best I can do. I can't compare it to the Bridge, well I could but I won't. The Bridge was unique, it was an experience and I will always remember what I learned and who I met (Jun and Randy...which led to the Aldersons) can never be duplicated. But I feel a connection here at this place.
I spoke to Kevin (who by the way is my pastor) and asked him about the history and how he came to be involved in this new venture, he told me and as I was talking to him I wanted to say I'll do whatever you want, I'll help, I'll sing, I'll dance, I'll help out until you hire a staff, but I didn't. I think that even though I want to do all those things I also want to sit back and take it all in. I don't want to come in and take over, there are people there who have been there who are deserving of respect and I don't want to come in and be apart of the Marina show. So I have resolved to sit in my seat and let God do whatever he needs to to get me ready for the next step.
I just came from my second Sunday at Corridors and decided to write this because I want everyone to know why I'm praising God tonight. I actually got to hear worship and it was everything I wanted and needed. Guitars, percussion and a horn (several), but it wasn't loud or over, passionate, present. If I could play the guitar, all my worship would be a voice and the guitar, nothing more, nothing less. I want the essential to be the words not the drum loop. It's taken me a long time to understand that and although all worship is wonderful and pleasing to God I would prefer to hear a voice and a guitar.
As I was getting ready to leave Marissa from Marina came up and told me that she was disappointed that I wasn't singing tonight, Steven, who plays guitar said yeah and I promptly explained to them that I wasn't ready for that, that I need to sit back and just be fed for a while. I did tell him that I would let him know when I was ready, but not to expect it too soon. He understands because he's been through that and Paul said he went through the same thing when he first came to LA. I don't want to get in there and get into the same routine. I'm ready for bigger challenges then I have been before and I know that God has to work in me before I can take them on.
So that's it, I'm praising God tonight, because he's gotten me to this place and although I don't know exactly what's coming next, I do feel confident that he is preparing me. I'm confident because I know that He wouldn't show me this, that I've be secretly longing for if He wasn't preparing me for it. My walk has just begun and I'm happy that I can say that in Confidence.

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