Wednesday, November 29, 2006

The Sky

Have you ever looked at the sky?
I mean have you ever really looked at the sky and enjoyed the way the clouds move the day after it rains?
Have you ever noticed how the clear blue sky plays second chair to the pure white puffs of smoke.
It's like an intricate ballet of movements and shadows forming unbelievable shapes of priceless motion.
And then the sun shines through breaking the delicate whiteness with the sure power of it's radiance.
The rays fall across the sky like jewels sliding down a mountain.
Breathtaking is the only way to describe it.
Marvelously exquisite only captures half it's beauty.
It seems to me like God is putting on a show for the heavens and we happen to catch a glimpse if we look up and truly watch the sky.
Have you ever looked at the sky, i mean have you ever really looked?
It may be the only perfect thing on Earth.

1 comment:

jacquie said...

Yeah, what you said!