Tuesday, July 16, 2013

It was different

  I spent a week at my parents house and during that week was asked to sing a special song at my former church. I said yes (only because it was a song I've been looking forward to singing for a few years), but something weird occurred to me once it was all said and done. Although I miss singing, its not the singing I missed, it was the preparation. Because I've honestly been listening to and mentally preparing this song for a few years I didn't spend as much time with it as a song I didn't know. It was only a few hours, but the process was the same and I enjoyed it. Performing or "presenting" a song is always a bit stressful, but preparing it on my own is nice.
  It went well in both services and many people told me they enjoyed it, but that wasn't what I cared about, it never has been. I am blessed that God uses me to bless others, but the true magic is in the moments when I'm just trying to make it right so that people don't see or hear me, but they see and hear God...if I prepare correctly, I know that He'll take care of the rest.
  All that being said, I'm not ready or in a place to sign up for the worship team. I'm not saying never, I'm just still, very content with sitting in the congregation and participating in worship without having to worry about all that comes with leading it.
  Until Next Time,

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