Wednesday, July 03, 2013

Things just don't change

I thought things would be different.
I thought there'd be growth
a maturation of the people there
I thought that they'd see something
want to better themselves,
want to make changes
I thought I would see these changes
and would be proud
I thought wrong.

Nothing has changed,
in fact, things only seem to be worse
no one has matured,
it seems that they've gone backward
it's a sad state to behold
to know that they are the same
or in some ways, worse
to finally really understand
that they don't see the wrong in their ways
that they aren't trying to make themselves better

I made decisions to better myself
I hoped they see them follow suit
I thought that maybe they'd take direction from me
maybe they'd want something better
but it's easier to stay the same
than to make the changes
especially if you are in denial about them being needed
I can't make them do it
I can only move on and hope...

Because the only change I can control
is my own

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