Wednesday, October 06, 2010

2nd times the charm?

   I've said it before, I want to give up Facebook. I even did it (for about 2 weeks), but then I went back like a crack head to a pipe. I couldn't help myself, it was like I was....a crack head. I am addicted to facebook. But I don't know why. Maybe it's because it's an easy way to keep in touch with the people I really enjoy or spent a moment in time with and this is the only way I have to continue my connection with them...actually that's the true. I am connected with High School, Jr. High School and previous work friends on Facebook. I'm connected with people I love, who I don't get to see all the time and I'm connected with the whole world at large (at least that's how it feels sometimes). I used to be like that with Myspace and I moved on to facebook and though I'm not as plastered to fb as I once was, I still can't help but log on at least once a day and check out what's going on. Its sad really.

   So I'm going to try the experiment once more, but instead of quitting cold turkey, I'm going to easy myself off my drug. I'm going to go on less and less until I don't have to go on anymore. I may never actually close my account, I may just leave it there and check in occasionally just to say hi and find out whats going on in people's lives. I don't need to be on shouldn't control me. Besides, there are other things I should be writing, taking photographs and advancing my MK business.

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