Tuesday, October 26, 2010

The Beauty

Beauty, I wonder from where do you come
God's vast mind?
It could only be in that place of perfect peace that colors can blend so fairly

The earth His perfect canvas, once
only shows its perfect beauty in the hidden places

Only away from man can

a bird of brilliant blue soar through a sunlit sky,
clouds magnifying its feathers

Only away from man
that's where you find ice so dangerous it can kill
yet so lovely it can melt your heart

Away from man
is where Tolkien's perfectly described forests lay green and untouched
their voices on the winds singing God's praises

Beauty, you come from God
in the scamper of a squirrel
the gallop of wild horses
the rain soaking the earth
the tint in a persons eye
and the cry of a baby

all created here on His perfect canvas
painted from the wonder of His vast mind.

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