Tuesday, July 21, 2009

I work with an ASSHOLE!

You know those people at work who just don't fit in with the rest, they are moody or rude or selfish or lazy or just plain mean...and then there are those who are all of these! Well I work with one of those people...

Before I lay into him, I have to admit that I too can have all of the above attributes with the exception of mean. I do not intentionally try to be mean and/or hurt peoples feelings and if I feel like I have I will go to them and apologize. I'm not saying that I'm perfect, but I have become so frustrated with this person that I just have to voice my opinion on the matter. Now I know that calling someone a name, especially ASSHOLE, is harsh, but there's just no other way to say how I feel!

I have been working here since October and in that time 4 people have been hired and 4 have left (one fired). And I can confidently predict that the newest person, here less than a month, will be leaving as soon as he finds a new job. People leave jobs because of a number of reasons, but the primary reason at my work place is due to one person! No one can stand him, he is lazy...rude...pushy...and mostly mean. He thinks that he is funny but the things that come out of his mouth aren't funny because, most are spit out to hurt someone.

And over all these things he's needy....if he's in the room he HAS to be the center of attention, so much so that he will interrupt a perfectly good conversation (without saying excuse me and most times, for no good reason) just so that everyone in the room has to focus on what he's saying. And if you don't focus on him he will throw a tantrum, completely over react and just start causing problems for everyone in the room.

He does or says things that make you not want to be around him and when you distance yourself, he runs to the boss saying that nobody likes him and everyone is mean to him (no he's not 5 years old! but he sure does act like it). The sad part is that she backs him up so everyone is stuck in his sad little whirlwind and we can't get out of it.

You never know what a day with him is going to be like, is he going to spit craziness at you, is he going to ignore you cause he's mad at you for something (and only God knows what it is) or is he just going to be blah! I was finally honest with him and told him that I don't like the way he talks to people or to me and that most times I just want to punch him in the face. He wanted the truth and I gave it to him.

You see in his mind nothing is his fault! He doesn't think that he's mean or that what he says effects people. He truly believes that we are all out to get him and that no one likes him and everyone is trying to ruin him. Frankly, he puts too much stock in himself to think that we are all sitting around thinking of ways to bring him down, when ultimately he is causing all the damage by himself. Even writing this is giving him too much power, but today I watched (mostly listened cause I was working) to him act stupid because he couldn't do what he wanted. See most of the time he sits on the computer looking up dogs or useless items for his house (even though we aren't supposed to be on the net) and because I was on the computer actually working, he couldn't get on it and "pretend" to work! The longer I was there the more childish he got, until finally he had given the boss too much attitude and she pulled him out of the room to talk to him.

Ultimately he is completely disrespectful of his co-workers and despite all else, if he would respect us, people wouldn't dislike him so much!


KBugg said...

Sounds like an insecure little man. Sorry that you have to work with him. Why can't he be one of the ones who quits?!?!?!

Keep your chin up, Mel. xo

Melanie said...

He is very insecure and he's not going to quit, that would be too great! Thanks!