Saturday, October 04, 2008

Pearl Jam, My Neighborhood and Memories

This has been a bittersweet week for me. My friend Annisa's father passed away and I went to the memorial service (Rosary) on Thursday night. I hadn't seen her father in a couple of years and hadn't seen her mother or brothers for even longer.
I saw them Thursday and it was an eye opener. Her brother Gabby, who's taking their father's death very hard, had some really nice things to say. Memories, that I remember, but with his perspective. I realized how much apart of the family I was for a time, and how much I missed them all since I've haven't been around.
Annisa's other brother Juanito (Juana, as I used to call him), is a different story. You know that person that will always give you butterflies...he's it for me. I realized on Thursday that, he was the first person that I ever really fell in love with and even after all this time, he still has a place in my heart. Don't get me wrong, there was never a relationship and there were many of us infatuated with him at the time and he's a bug ho. But it didn't matter, there was a time that I remember only having eyes for him.
The memorial service was sad (but I'm going to write about that in another post) until Annisa's uncle got up to say somethings...that's when a tear came to my eye. I remember some of the things he talked about, we all had a special time with Juan (who i called dad or pop). I didn't know many people there, but I could relate to what was said cause I had the same experiences with him as others did. He was a wonderful man, but I do believe he was heartbroken, he never showed it though. I will always remember going to Magic Mountain with him and the way he wanted to ride everything....he face was lit up like a kids and we had a great time. That was a fun day that I won't forget.

I was driving through my neighborhood the other day with the window down. There's something about a familiar smell that brings memories flooding back into your mind. That's what happened. I have issues with my neighborhood. I'd like to move away, but for now this is where I am and i can except that but I felt a longing for my neighborhood that I hadn't felt in a long time. Now, when I say my neighborhood I don't mean where my house is, I mean my old stomping grounds of Boyle Heights, where I went to school where I walked to the park and my grandma's house. Walking for High School to my house in the summer's slowly but surely losing friend's as we came to their houses and finally ended up by myself. Waiting for the bus by the Jack in the Box or going to Maria's house on the bus (and letting myself in with my key). Going from Light and Life to Evergreen Park and back. Walking to the market from my grandma's house and back.
It was nice to remember those things and to look at this place that I've started to feel so uncomfortable with with fond eyes. I do miss my neighborhood, the way it used to be when I lived in it. Before life took me to other places. Boyle Heights will always have a special fond place in my heart.

Pearl favorite band! The first album I ever bought with my own money was Pearl Jam's debut album was awesome and I listened to it all the time. I remember my dad wanting to hear it...I think he was surprised that bought a tape (it was a tape) but a "rock" band. Cause my previous taste in music was New Kids on the Block! (don't hate). Anywho, I loved them and their music and when the grunge argument of who's better Nirvana or Pearl Jam, I was firmly on the PJ side of it.
I bought their CD's after ten, most disappeared, my brother ruined my ten CD and never replaced it, but because of sites like you tube I can listen to them whenever I want! I love youtube! And I love Pearl Jam. If you don't know who they are...listen to the song Black off the album's my favorite song of all time. ALL TIME. It's lovely and it's what made me fell in love with Eddie Vedders voice.


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