Tuesday, October 28, 2008

My New Job

Hey, i thought i'd come by and let everyone know how my new job was going. i've been at this new place for three days (my first day was friday). i'm now working in downtown la in a law firm (which i won't name here). it's great, closer to home and i can car pool with my mom so that i don't have to pay for parking.
i'm now working in a field called "office services". currently i'm the person in charge of hospitality services. basically, i'm in charge of making sure the 3 kitchens are fully stocked at all times and setting up and breaking down conference rooms before and after meetings. it sounds easy and honestly once you know what you are doing it is, but it's been difficult at times, especially yesterday, when i had to run around trying to find things that weren't where they should be. then restocking everyone cause, as it turned out, no one had done that in a while.
today was a much better, i was on top of stuff and i figure that tomorrow will be even better so that by this time next week i will be able to fly through the day without any worries and will maybe be able to start training and learning other office service duties.

i'm enjoying the job! i work in a law firm so people are professional and they mind their own business, i'm not worried about other people i can just do what i need to do. best part, i'm not standing in the sun talking to rude and uncurtieous people anymore and i can take a break when i really need to, and not worry about the fact that the work's not getting done. the job can be demanding, i see that, but it'll only get bad if i'm not doing what i'm supposed to do. if i stay on top of my work, then i'll be fine....honestly i'm not worried about it at all.
working in an air conditioned building is fantastic....let me tell you!

so basically so far so good...if there's anything else, i'll let you know. And to answer your question, i'm not sad that i left Disney, i was ready to go, just sad that i left good people in that same sad situation. Disney was the means to an end so i can take it for that, it was a special time cause i met great people but as a job it kinda sucked

1 comment:

KBugg said...

Glad you are enjoying it! Any cute eligible men around there? hee hee You know I had to ask! :-)