Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Anniversary....but is it good?

  Today is my 1 year anniversary at my job. I'm happy about it, I'm glad to be here. I enjoy my work and (most of) the people I work with. But it's been a year and the position I took as a Summer Temp as expanded, but I'm still a temp. I won't say that I'm vital to the office, because they can find any monkey to do my job, but I will say that over the year there have definitely been days, weeks and months that without me, this department would have fallen apart.
  I've been okay with not knowing if I am going to be hired full time, because, after a year and a half of not working I was just happy to work and the funds I've earned have given me the freedom to move out and be on my own. However, now that I am on my own, with no one to fall back on I am starting to worry and grow impatient about becoming a permanent full time employee. There are things I'd like to have...like vacation and sick days. And maybe get some sort of raise (my end of year review for 2012, was literally perfect!) but I don't qualify because I'm only a temp and it sucks, but I come to work everyday and I do my job to the best of my ability.
  Now I'm thinking, it's been a year with no hired date in sight, so should I just look elsewhere for a place that will have me straight away without having to wait and see what corporate is going to do about this and that or should I sit back and ride this out just to wait and see where it takes me? I'm leaning toward the latter...actually I'm firmly on that side of the fence. As much as I would love to stay here for years I don't think that's really what's in the cards for me. Honestly, truly down deep inside, I want to have a job closer to home. I just have to find it. My only apprehension is knowing that the grass isn't always greener and although I want what I want...it may leave me longing to have what I have right now.
  So today is sort of bittersweet. I'm happy to be working...happy to have a year under my belt...but sad that I'm still not really apart of the team and not really here. Still standing with one foot in and one foot out.

Until Next Time


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