Sunday, May 08, 2011

Is that it?

  There have been few times in my life when I can say that I was completely happy. Not just happy on the surface, but I felt like I was being fulfilled in every way possible. Those times revolve around music and children. There were 3 years where I led worship at Children's Summer Camp and I've worked with kids for 6+ years. Alone those experiences seem good, great even...but when I look at them as a whole. Two pieces that fit my personality I see that it was perfect.

  So in sitting around searching for what God wants for me I have to ask myself.."is this it God", are you telling me that the path I'm supposed to be on involves children and music? Are you telling me that I'll be truly happy again when I'm selfishly giving my all to two things I am completely passionate about? It sounds so easy and with God I can do anything...I just need to know where to step!


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