Wednesday, May 11, 2011


 Parents should set good examples for their children. No one told my father that, because he sets examples for us their just not good examples. In January when I lost my job, I was told the Friday before that I was going to be fired the following Monday. I came to my parents told them the story and got absolutely no support. My father was discouraging and my mom told me to beg for my job. No matter how much I didn't want to go back into that place they both insisted that I do. So I went, got fired and came home. They couldn't understand why it happened even though I told them it would. It's like they forgot the conversation we has two days before.

  Fast forward 4 months later, my father was given notice that he will receive a pink slip at the end of this school term, a pink slip with the possibility of not getting find just moved to about school. You know what he did, he didn't go to work like he told me to do. He didn't go in Monday or Tuesday. He stayed home and moped in his bed like a baby. He decided that it was just too tough to go in and maybe have the support of his supervisor, and maybe just maybe be placed at a different school. I didn't have any support, I was going and all the people around me knew it, they had created the situation and I was the patsy. He's just lazy...

   How can you tell you child to do one thing then you do something completely different, maybe it' because he's stubborn, selfish and can't see beyond himself. or maybe it's because he feels like he's entitled and he can't understand why no one else gives a flying fuck. I could be wrong, but I think I know my father well enough to know this isn't going to end well.

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