Monday, November 08, 2010

To Trust or Not to Trust

 The number one way to lose my respect is to lie. That's it, if you lie to me I'm more or less done with you. I see no reason to have people in my life who are going to lie to me. I mean this in all aspects of my, friends, church, work etc...everything. I see lying as the complete and utter lack of respect for the person you are lying too. Sometimes people say it's okay to lie...but I don't see it that way.

 I tend to be a good lie detector, if I don't know you're lying to me right away I usually figure it out quite quickly and I act according. I have dropped relationships and left jobs because I've been lied to. And again I find myself in this situation. Not only am I being lied to, I'm being lied about . That sort of thing is not healthy and I'm not happy about it. I think that being lied to part is because the person doing the lying doesn't have a real answer to give me. But the being lied about is the straw and the camels back has been broken.

 I don't know what my next move is because quite honestly I don't know what God what's me to do. I know what my human flesh, my heart and soul want, but if it's not in line with what God wants it's not going to work. So right now I'm weeding through the lies I've been told. Trusting that God has my back and that I'm moving on to bigger and better things. I can only pray and hope that this path is what and where God wants me. I believe that if he wants for me the same that my heart longs for then I will know it straight away.

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