Sunday, February 07, 2010

Abortion, how do I feel about it?

This question popped in my head after I read an article today. There is this football player named Tim Tebow, he happens to be an outward Christian (who's claim to fame is wearing bible verses on his eye black and saying God Bless at the end of interviews). He and his mother are appearing in a television ad for Focus on the Family which will air during this years Super Bowl.
You see when Tim's mom was pregnant she got really ill, slipped into a coma...was given drugs...almost died and when she awoke was told the drugs that kept her alive could have serious ramifications on her unborn child. She was advised to have an abortion. As a Christian missionary, she choose to keep her baby, no matter what. Many people believe this will be the focus of the commercial (but no one really knows for sure), and women's groups all over the country are in an uproar about it. Saying this (football) is no place to push Christian propaganda. The article I read said simply this, Tim Tebow should be able to say what he wants, when he wants...and that's that. No matter what the world at large feels about his message he has the right to say it. I wholeheartedly agree.

Although I agree, it still made me question this topic that I've been very passionate about in the past. You may think because I'm a Christian that I stand with the right and say that abortion is wrong. But if you really know me, which honestly only a very few do, then you know that I would feel differently. So here's my take on the whole thing...

For me, abortion isn't an option, for me! I've known people who've had abortions...who've used it as their own form of birth control. I've never been angry at heart has been mind has been sad that this is the only choice they could make...that they didn't have any other options (at least that they could see). I've never been angry enough to hate on them, call them a murderer or discourage...only the opposite...I've pour more love out to them.

For me abortion isn't the answer, for me, but I'm not in the position to define the answer for another woman. God gave us free will and in his infinite knowledge and wisdom he knew these questions would arise and he allowed them to. In my opinion, this topic has never really been about God. It's a cover in a layer of God, but it's not about Him.

Christians call it murder, yet they've killed in the name of God for hundreds of years (including blowing up clinics). They say this isn't of God but, in turn, call the victims of rape or child molestation seeking a remedy a slut. And in truth, how many Christians have snuck their teenage daughters (or mistresses) into clinics to have it done?

Would I do it now, NO...but as the victim of molestation as a child...if I had found myself in this unfortunate situation I would have done it without looking back and I would not force any young girl or woman who fell victim to endure it either.

You may be reading this thinking I'm a bad Christian...that's fine. But I can't judge a woman's decision, it's not my place. Every woman is entitled to make a decision for herself. Then she will stand before her god and tell her story.

This whole uproar about the commercial is disturbing to me. The ad hasn't aired, no one has seen it or really knows what it's far it's all speculation. I mean, it could be about how not all home schooled kids are freaks! or it could be about missions work. I'm disturbed that these groups of women who fight for freedoms would try to deny another group their freedom of speech. And that people, is what it all comes down to! Denying people their freedoms.

This country was built on freedom, for white men. Along the way everyone else had to fight to get any little bit of it. And along the way "God's" chosen people (as they've always called themselves) have stood up against them. This is just another form and shape of the same story.They call this murder...well if it's murder, then let's bring our service men and women home (ALL OF THEM), if this is murder then stop the death penalty, if this is indeed murder then we have to stop ALL murder...period.

For me, abortion is not in my plans, but until we can stop rapists and child molesters then I will view is as a necessary thing. And I'll forever be sadden by the women who choose it as a response to their mistakes. But I won't take their right to chose away.

Neither should you.

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