Wednesday, October 04, 2006


Most of you know that I work with kids, to be more specific, I work with kindergarteners in the City of San Marino. I love working with children, but to be totally honest, although aspects of my job have improved (communication with the bosses) I find myself struggling with other problems. It is now the middle of the fifth week of this school year and I have yet to bond with my students. There are two...only two out of 35 that I feel a strong connection to. Last year, I bonded with the kids instantly and my affection for those children carries on today. When I see my old kids, now first graders, I long for the days last year when we got up and danced around the room or just sat and played bop-it. This group I have now just doesn't want to do that kind of stuff, in fact, if you suggest those things you'll get looked at funny.
Now I'm not saying that last years kids were better, actually, I think that I have changed not them. I know they're different kids but becuase last year came so easy I think that I just stopped trying this year. I haven't really put out all that much effort. It was hard walking into my room and welcoming in new kids...then watching my old ones go into a new room with different caregivers.
I'm not trying to feel sorry for myself, I'm just confused at why this year isn't coming as easy to me. Things have changed and therefore my views and feelings have changed, but I'm still me.
My biggest concern is the kids. I want to give my best to them, I want to present a funfilled environment for them, a place where they will want to come and a place they will remember, but I'm struggling and I know it reflects on this place and that's not fair.

So I guess I'm asking for prayer, please just pray that God will give me the patience, strength and love that I need to extend to the children he has placed in my care. He doesn't give us more than we can bear right? I just found out this week that we will be going through some BIG changes with staff. So pray that I stay sane as my stress rises and my duties begin to encompass more stuff.
Don't worry I'll keep you posted.

See Ya

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We will be praying.