Sunday, October 22, 2006


Have you ever had to deal with people that you really don't like, I'm sure you have, and no matter how hard you try to give them the benefit of the doubt or how much you try to like them you just find yourself disliking them more. I'm having that issue right now. There's a person God has put in my life for his own reasons and no matter how much room I give them to become a productive relationship in my life they instead hang themselves.
I'm very frustrated by it all, but I have to trust that God is going to work it all out. I am however very close to losing my calm and just telling the person how I truly feel. It would be really bad for those around us if I did that, but so is the tension being created by me not saying anything. I'm in a lose lose situation and I don't think that any of it is worth it, but I've been given a great opportunity and don't want to ruin it.
God help me.


Anonymous said...

There is a guy at my work that annoys me. I was getting better at being a little more gracious towards him, and I was almost to the point where I thought, "Eh, this guy isn't a total idiot," when I found out that he went and whined to our department supervision about me concerning something that I did not even do. Not only was it a childish act, it was untrue. He lost all chances of me ever respecting him.

I, however, do not have to deal with him very often, so it's not that big of a deal. Sounds like you have a bit more precarious situation.

It is hard to give advice when one does not know the situation intimately, but I will do it anyway.

Take control of the realtionship. Figure out how you can dictate the terms of interaction. Whether it's done verbally or non-verbally is your decision. Most times, the best way to do this is not by confrontation, but by making the other person feel like they are on your "team".

Also, rmember to look at this situation in light of eternity. Is it really that big of a deal? Maybe it is, I don't know, but I find that when compared to forever, certain things just don't seem all that important.

Do you really want this person to own as much of your energy and attention that he or she does? You either have to remedy the situation or choose to not let this person bother you.

jacquie said...

Hard situation. Especially if you have constant interaction with the person. Remember the words of that great guy Paul the Apostle "Be kind to one another, ternderhearted, forgiving one another, just as God, in Christ, has forgiven you". Easier said than done sometimes, huh? The nice thing is, as you get sanded down, even though it is unconfortable, you get softer and smoother and shiny-er. I think your last 3 words were right on. GOD HELP ME! That's the very best we can do. Call on HIM!

Melanie said...

Thank you for those words you've both given me. I now have a good place to start from and a good way to approach it, I think my biggest problem is that this person is in church with me. And I thought this was all settled. Keep this situation in prayer please. Thanks

KBugg said...

I know who and what you are talking about, Mel. And you aren't the only one who feels this way, remember? :-) I read something a while ago that helped me to put things in prospective about those who I absolutely cannot stand or want to be around (there's not that many of them): These kind of people really make you know what it means to love someone. It's easy to love nice people who you get along with, but God uses those who are more difficult to love to teach us how to love. Think about how difficult it must be for God to love us sometimes, knowing how sinful/dumb/annoying we are to him. We are called to love, even our enemies. Hard to do.