Monday, March 31, 2014

Shift Your Focus...

 That was the message at church yesterday. It was a good message and it gave me something to think about. The truth of life, my life, is this...I dwell on the things I do not have, instead of the things/blessings I do have.
  For the past few weeks I've been telling myself to tweet what I'm grateful for just one thing a day, for myself. A declaration of my life's blessings, instead of all the negatives I point out. The things I frequently overlook. I haven't done it...although I think about it regularly I have yet to put down my thankfulness into words. While sitting in church yesterday listening to this message I thought again about starting to do this. It occurred to me that it wouldn't just be about declaring to the world that I was thankful for things, but it was also a way to shift my focus to the positives I have in my life. I wouldn't just be declaring these things to the world, but also to myself.
  There are things that must change, things I know only I can the way I look at things, the way I react to things and the way I choose to look at the life I have around me. Really, I have so many things to be grateful many things that I take for granted that I shouldn't. Its time for me to stopped looking at all the negatives and time to start enjoying the blessings. Blessings that I've been lucky enough to be given and stupid enough to take for granted.
   I'm still thinking on yesterday's message, I'm still praying and wondering and growing based on one short sentence...Shift Your Focus. It's going to take some time and it will be a daily course correction, but I will try...try to see the glass overflowing instead of the glass half empty.

   Until Next Time.

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