Friday, January 03, 2014


  I friend said something in an email that has stuck with me.
 We were talking about clothes (cause she's utterly stylish and I'm not, but would like to be) she was saying that she's been in a bit of a style funk, but that she's "trying, little by little, to fashion myself the way I want to be seen"...I had never really thought about it like that before. I mean I know that how you present yourself to the world is how the world will see you, but I've never really gone deeper with it. I'm not sure why it hit me so hard, but it did. Maybe it's because I'm not satisfied with how am present myself (which is something I'm trying to work on) and this, the fashion, style, clothing thing, is just an extension of that.
  Anyway, it's certainly something that has been on my mind lately. Something I've been thinking about harshly. I guess I see more opportunities and changes coming in this new year...although I'm at a true and total loss for what they may be. But whatever they are, I know that at the based level if I'm not happy with myself then I can't be happy with the changes...

   That's all I've got for now...
   Until Next Time


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