Thursday, June 03, 2010

The Duggars

I've recently become extremely fascinated by the Duggar Family(These are the people with 19 kids, they also have a show on TLC called 19 Kids and Counting)! I don't know why really, I guess, just over time, after hearing so much about them, I just decided to look them up and see what the big deal was all about.

Well, the big deal is their big family. Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar have 19 children, their youngest was born premature (and only 3 months after their first grandchildren) in December. That's a lot of children, more than I could ever wish to have but hey, they believe that God will provide them with as many children as he sees fit for them to have and really their hearts, minds and souls seem to be in the right place. I can't begrudge them anything because they are doing the best thing for their family and (as it seems from the show) they are raising some great people!

Over the years I have read and heard of people being upset that these two adults are having so many children. Well in this day and age more than 3 is a ridiculous amount to some and to others it's just the start. I do have to say that when I first heard about them I thought the same thing, but I wasn't angry or upset...I just thought "hey, that's a lot of kids and why would someone put themselves in that situation". I do have to say that like any tax paying American citizen I thought of the financial burden these people most be on the country. Then I read their story.

The Duggars have a website ( which tells their story and why they've chosen to have so many children, how they support their family and are completely debt free...yes, debt free! They don't owe anyone any money and they are raising their children to follow suit. So are these people...Is this family putting a strain on the tax payer, Nope! Not like other recent news makers with a lot of children, these two adults are living their dreams with their boat load of children without costing me a dime. Yes, that's a selfish way to think about it, but it's true.

So, why am I so fascinated? I'm still not sure. I don't know if it's the debt free living or the homeschooling or the amount of children...or if it's the seemingly simple life the lead, in the midst of having 19 children. Maybe it's some of it, or maybe it's all of it. I know one thing...when I'm done watching an episode of their show I have a smile on my face. It does my soul good to see so many happy faces and two parents who love all their children and are doing the best they can for them...especially in a world where parents don't always care about the children they bring into the world.

1 comment:

Melanie said...

Thanks Steve, I'll check it out right now.