Thursday, December 08, 2011


I've been afraid to step out of my comfort zone for a very long time. Recently, I've been standing on the knifes edge trying to decide what I needed to do with the life I'm wasting...I've always been leaning to the side of caution. Not anymore...
I have finally realized that what I want and what I need are the same. That this journey I'm on and all the cheerleaders I have are leading and cheering me to the same thing. If I look back over the last two years, I can see that my journey has been leading me to this one thing. Now, I just have to get it done...

It's funny, how God works...He has a way of telling me repeatedly what I need to do and when I get to my lowest and scariest point he always gently pushes me back to where my heart and head need to be. I'm very thankful for that...I'm very blessed for that...and I need to be as faithful to Him as He is to me.

My fear will always be there, I just can't let it keep me there.

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