Thursday, May 08, 2008

Feeling wanted and appreciated

So, that feeling when someone expresses a sense of thankfulness for you being introduced into their life is a great one. I recently experienced just that at work with two different co-workers. I'm grateful for that feeling and I'm extremely grateful for the fact that they both felt compelled to express that opinion with me.

This situation is just another sign of God showing me that this is exactly where he wants me to be. Thank You God for placing me here and for lining up all the things in my life and for allowing me to see the pattern and the line I'm walking into the center of your will. I feel comfortable with the decisions I'm making and that's been a long time coming.


KBugg said...

You are a beautiful soul Mel. Never give up writing. I love what you have to say. I'm not the only one who reads your blog by the way, I know some others who do but don't comment. :-) I wish I could see you more!!!!! xo

Melanie said...

thanks kristi...yeah, it's time for you to move back...and you can bring Randy too!