Saturday, May 17, 2008

I'm a Prude

I've never done drugs, didn't drink until I was 21 and was never around people who did either. So as an adult these things are slightly foreign to me.
I will have an occasional drink with my best friend, but as far as drugs are concerned they're like something I've only see on the news.
So when I hear people my age or younger talking about the drugs they do (currently), I'm baffled and I'm kinda disgusted. There's a certain time in your life when you should grow up and start acting like an adult. A time to leave childish things behind and own up to the fact that you can't do those things anymore.
I, frankly, don't understand the appeal of drugs. I can't fathom, wanting to feel out of control, setting yourself up for a situation you may not be able to handle or protect yourself from.
To me its just too big a risk to throw all things away (and spend my money on) some "high" that may last only a couple hours. I have more important and productive things I could be doing.
I'm sure, I will never understand it and will always be disgusted by the way some people nonchalantly walk their way from high to high without concern for the bigger picture. But that's just me...I guess.

1 comment:

KBugg said...

The people who are doing the drugs now may be doing it (and then talking about it) for attention, but one day they will wake up (hopefully) and realize how dumb all that crap is. I never wanted to do drugs because I always thought that if something happened to me (ex:car accident) and they did drug tests and found some drugs in my system, that's how I would be a statistic. I wouldn't want that. People are just searching for something more than what or who they are and to get away from reality, and that's the ultimate reason most, if not all, people do drugs. I've known a lot of people who have thrown their lives away using drugs. I was even in love with such a user at one time in my life. It's such a sad destructive path which people who are traveling down can't grasp until it's too late, then it takes the love of God to rescue them.