Tuesday, November 29, 2011

More Than We Can Handle

 God won't give us more than we can handle.

No matter what you believe...in God, in fate or destiny you can believe this one thing. All things happen for a reason. In my experience most of those reasons are for learning and growth. We go through things, we see the people around us go through things and we can choose to learn from them or choose to continue trying to bang our heads against the wall.
For me, the things I've come up against recently are all things I can't control...the one thing that's come out of them is faith. Because I have no control, I have to have faith that God is going to take care of all of it. I have to know that I've been called to do what I've done for a very long time...be a good and faithful friend to those who need me.
This lesson I need to learn is coming in different forms but all come down to the same thing...I need faith, I need to be helpful, prayerful, caring and ultimately patient. God is in control and he won't give us, any of us, more than we can handle.

Got Your Back

I was thinking, some people, when they talk to you, show a genuine interest in your life. Others just do the polite thing and say what they think they should say. This is true in any interaction, but most certainly comes through when you've known someone for a long time. The relationships you build over time are there for a reason and at some point you except a person to say the rough things you need to hear when you need to hear them.

The people who really care will hug you when you need it (or just because), they'll call you out on your crap when you need to hear it and they'll just sit with you when need them to (and won't try to solve your problems).

I found myself thinking about a particular person when reflecting on these aspects of friendship. He's someone who, when I really think on it knows more about me than most. And he's genuinely concerned about me when I least expect it. It's nice to know that someone has my back...even if I see him rarely.

Then, later in the day another friend, someone whose friendship I'm beinging to cherish showed an interest that very few others show. She is one who I know will be there when I need her. And I'm very happy about that.

It's nice to know completely that someone will be there when you need them...I just hope that the people I love know that about me.

The Way He Looks at Me

There's this longing...a questioning...a silent struggle trying to make its way through his eyes to mine. Like he's desperately trying to tell me something telepathically. I see it, I see that deep broken soul and wonder what his question is, what this look in his eyes means.

Is this new, has it always been there? The way he looks at me, even when we aren't looking at each other I feel his eyes trying to borrow a question into my mind...trying to whisper a statement to my soul.

There's something, I'm not sure what it is, but it's there...in the quiet embrace of a hug and the genuine moments of a smile...that look, that gaze, that question that will remain unanswered until he decides to use his mouth to ask it.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

if you can't be open in life and relax...
then crawl back under your rock.

SMH (Shaking My Head)

  I've been spending quality time over on tumblr. I have a blog over there about my love for fashion. But lately I've been spending my time looking through other blogs...most of them have been about fashion or health. What I've learned over the course of a couple of weeks is...the youth are screwed!

  I actually had to stop looking at health blogs when I realized that the blogs I kept running across were not so much dedicated to the writer getting to a healthy weight, but to a skinny (more like bony) size. Young girls who are already thin (I know this because they post pictures of themselves), trying to get to the "perfect" size...which means bony. They comment on pictures with this is my goal stomach, these are my goal thighs, etc. All of those pictures are of girls so thin that their rib, hips and collarbones protrude through their skin.
  There's only one "health" blog I've found that is actually trying to so pictures of women and men in good form. And unsurprisingly it's run by an adult male, who's chronicling his weight loss journey. None of the females he posts are rail thin...they're all thin, but toned some even ROCK HARD. But all healthy and not scaring skinny.

   The other thing I've noticed is how much smoking (not just cigarettes), drinking and sex are on the minds of the youth today. Okay, don't get me wrong, when I was a teen all those things were around and some of the people I knew were into them. I wasn't (yes, I'm a square). But now, it's like....really? Is that all you think about? I've seen the quote.."I want to get high, or drunk or fucked right now" in various forms so many times that it's hard to count...Jeez, what the hell is going on in High School that this is what kids are thinking about? Thinking about enough to blog it and re blog it time and again?

   I'm 32 years old and far enough removed from youth that this is very shocking to me...but maybe it shouldn't be. Maybe I shouldn't be surprised because all of these things are so much more available to the youth of today. Through the Internet, movies and TV the kids are subjected to things I never was. The worse we had was Melrose Place. Now, they have 90210 (our version was the Brady Bunch compared to the revamp), Vampire Dairies, Glee, True Blood and Gossip Girl to name a few. So if the vast majority of youth are watching these then it's not really a surprise that this way of thinking is what they'd call OK.

   What I know is this, this generation will one day rule the world. And their morals are lacking. So is their judgement, communication skills and self-esteem. One day I'll be forced to pick a President from a group of people who may of had a tumblr, most definitely had a face book page and posted pictures of themselves in ridiculous situations...that makes me very very sad.