Monday, May 11, 2009

Star Trek

Yesterday was Mother's Day in two countries (Mexico and the U.S.), so my family celebrated by taking my mom to see Star Trek in IMAX! And because this is one of the movies on my list I will review it for you here...
First and foremost, this review is based on I suggest that you see it in IMAX, but it will only be there for 2 weeks (at least that's what the guy said as he was introducing it). So go get your tickets now (well read this first).
If you know nothing about Star Trek don't worry, J.J. Abrams and the writers did a great job of giving the fans and non-fans alike a great film to watch. If you pay attention you shouldn't get confused.
I loved the casting, they all make appearances and no one disappoints and (for those who know the show) they all say there catch phrase' have to wait, but they're in there. Chris Pine and Zachary Quinto do excellent jobs as Kurt and Spock! I for one started to forget about Mr. Nimoy and started to fully realize Quinto as the love able Vulcan. Checov, Sulu, Bones, Uhura and Scotty all play their parts and make this ride even more fun.
If you like action there's plenty of it, lots of fist fights (including one between Kurt and Spock) and lots lasers! The whole movie center's around Eric Bana's Nero seeking revenge...and although his ship was impressive Bana didn't do anything for me or the fact, to tell the truth, the whole movie was really about the crew. The story was good, it made sense with the Canon and was wrapped up in the end.
Besides Bana's brooding there's nothing bad to say about this movie. So I encourage you all to go see it (in IMAX) as soon as you can.

Live long and....

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