Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Mrs. Obama

I have watched and read how the world has been captivated by the first couple, but primarily with the First Lady. I have to admit that I too am captivated by her.

In my youth I remember two First Ladies...Nancy Regan and Hilary Clinton. I remember Mrs. Regan because of the "Say No to Drugs Campaign" which the public schools forced down our throats as children (and for some reason I always picture her in red). Mrs. Clinton I remember as being very homely looking and young. Well she was younger the her recent predecessors. I also remember alot of talk about her putting her career on the back-burner so that her husband could thrive. Now, I know that between these two women was another Barbara Bush, but because my parents are stanch Democrats and I don't really remember her doing much, I don't ever think about her.

In the last 8 years (give of take a few months) we had Laura Bush who, in my opinion, didn't do very much either. Which leads to Michelle. Now, I'm not saying all this because she's black, I'm going to say what I am saying because this is what I, white or purple!

I believe that our country needed some new blood, a new spirit in the white house. We needed youth, energy, culture and modernity! I believe that when the President and Mrs. Obama moved into the White House we finally got it. I am awed by the example she is setting not only in this country but in the world. I am proud that this country has stood up and embraced this woman...and as the world has done the same, I am proud that I can say I live in the country that put her on the world stage and I'm proud to be a woman and have a role model to look up too and yes I'm proud that she's African-American...but wait...there's more!

If she was a Caucasian, Asian or Indian woman bringing this type of poise and brightness to the world I would be just as proud. You see my pride isn't just in her color, it is in her. If Jed Bartlett and Dr. Bartlett (West Wing reference )had been real I would feel that same amount of pride. In her first 100 days she set out to show the country what kind of First Lady she wanted to be and in the middle of that she showed the world that the U.S. could be so much more than it currently is.

She hasn't hidden away in the White House, she's gone out gotten her hands dirty in the garden, volunteered for vets, gone to visit schools and more remarkably went to every major D.C. office and thanked the staffs personally shaking hands and letting them know that the First Family and nation appreciates what they do.

I could talk about her fashion, her hair and make up or the way her husband and children look at her, but I'm more interested in how the world and the country see her. If they look through my eyes they'd a strong woman, who knows who she is, knows who her husband is and knows what kind of mother, wife, first lady, daughter and role model she wants to be. I and many others aspire the know those things about myself some day and I'm glad that there's a woman on the forefront to show us that!

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