Sunday, December 31, 2006


Indiscribable,uncontamable.You placed the stars in the sky, and you know them by name,You are amazing God.All powerful, unchangable,Awestruce we fall to our knees as we humbly proclaim, You are amazing God,You are amazing God.

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Movie Review

Every so often you may see a movie review pop up on this blog. I promise to only do it with movies that I really enjoy and think that you may really I won't tell you guys to run out and rent (or buy) the newest American Pie me I won't be watching it. So anyway, here's my first review....

The Family Stone

This is a great family film...well it's a film about a family. I discovered this movie in the early summer, but it's centered around Christmas. The eldest son of the Stone Family comes home for Christmas and brings his uptight overachieving girlfriend to meet his family. The family is an ecklitic mix of sisters and brothers and two loving parents. Basically the girlfriend doesn't fit in this laidback household and finds herself on the outs at every turn. It's fun and funning and I think that you would enjoy it.
I enjoy this move, not really for the main story, but for the underlying one...there's a story focused purely on the family and how each child deals with it is great and sad. Diane Keaton is FANTASTIC, Craig T. Nelson, Dermott Mulroney and Luke Wilson are great...Sarah Jessica Parker is so good, you might just think that she's really uptight. Watch for little things and just the way this family interacts and really loves each other and each others quirks. I give The Family Stone a round of applause.


Tuesday, December 26, 2006

The Day After Christmas

Hey, so what did you guys do today, the day after christmas? Did you veg, shop or work...
Me I vegged on the computer and worked on my myspace page all day. And now I'm watching High School Musical...So have a good rest of your week. Peace Out!!!

Sunday, December 10, 2006


Hey Everyone,

As most of you know I sing at my church...and this coming Sunday is our Christmas Celebration. We are all supposed to do Christmas Type songs, so far though I have yet to pick a song to sing. Over the past few years I have sung my favorite Holiday Tunes and because of that this year I'm at a complete loss. So that's where you come in...Let me know what you favorite holiday song is and I'll see which one I can use...I'll let you know next week what I sing. Thanks for the Help

Saturday, December 09, 2006

Hate and Love

I woke up this afternoon (literally...I slept until 1pm) and I had the song "I'm not ready to make nice" by the Dixie Chicks running through my head. There's a line in it that says..."It's a sad sad story, When a mother will teach her daughter that she ought to hate a perfect stranger." It got me thinking about all the times I've seen "Christians" standing out in front of some event holding up signs and screaming hateful words at people walking by. Most of the time if you look closely you will also see their children standing next to them doing the exact same thing. Now, my question is this...Can we blame the children for their learned behavior or should they at some point, as they grow, realize that they are really ignorant and change themselves?

I've been lucky enough in my life to have a family and friends that are completely diverse and I've also been lucky to find those same kind of people throughout my journey in this life. I'm the person who has always tried to see things through other people's eyes, tried to walk in their shoes. But when I look at those people on television or hear stories of hatred I can't see past their actions. I run into a wall and just want to scream YOU ARE SO WRONG...GOD DID NOT DIE SO THAT YOU COULD HATE! But then I step back and see that doing that would make me as bad as them. I've never had to deal with Racism...and to tell you the truth I'm scared to death of dealing with it face to face. I've always joked about there not being any black people around...those jokes are always covering fear.

In truth I don't see myself as anything other then God's child and I see the people he's placed in my life the same way. I don't see black or white or Asian or purple, yellow or green. I see people...God's people and I know that in every one of us there is love...Fundamentally we are here to love...called to love, encouraged to love and made to why do we hate? Why do we say things that we know will only cause damage and why do we try to justify it not only to ourselves but to the world?

One of my very best friends is married to a Marine who has been in Iraq, once he came back I saw a change in her. She began to use racial slurs pertaining to the people of that region. I don't understand why she would use them... I guess that fact the "those" people shot at her husband made her mad enough to write them all off. That's not fair, not everyone in that country were shooting...not everyone from that country was on those planes!

What are we showing our children and can we be surprised the day we hear some hate filled words fall from their lips? Not if WE are the ones teaching them. We've called ourselves Christians, Christ Followers, but I don't remember a time when Christ used hateful words. We should be ashamed of ourselves and we should also look inside ourselves and see what and how we really feel about the people in the world around us.

"Love thy neighbors as you would Love thyself."