Thursday, June 12, 2014

Made to Love


  The way I accept people into my life is with all my heart. I love big and with all that I've got. That's just how I was made, once you're in my life you're truly in my life and you'd have to do something devastating for me to walk away. Unfortunately, most people don't love the same way I do, which leaves me on the receiving end of hurt and heartbreak. Wanting and waiting for that kind of return on an investment is draining and has left me feeling like I'm the problem, like I'm the one incapable of being loved.
   I'm slowly starting to see that its not me at all. I except to receive what I give, but I never actually do...that's not a reflection on me, its simply a fact of life. Does that mean I'm going to stop, going to change the way I am, become something What it simply means is God made me this way for a reason. It's not a flaw, it's me and one day it's going to benefit someone who really needs it. That the way I love will help someone feel less insignificant and more like they are worthy of all that this world holds for them.
   It also means that one day I'm going to find someone who'll love me that way too. I just have to make sure I'm ready to accept it after all this time of not knowing it. I think that will be really hard for me, but I'm willing to give it a try.

   Until Next Time,

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