Monday, May 17, 2010

The Farewell That Sucked!

Don't get me wrong...I understand that some opportunities cannot be passed up. I also understand that sometimes people are just ready to move on to bigger and better things...and still, I understand that people make decisions to chase their dreams or further their lives...but I'm not always ready for someone to move away from their place in my life. Today I got news that someone I have come to count on for a good talk, even if it's about nothing, is on her way out of my comfort zone.

Now, she was already on her way out...she has this opportunity to do the things she really wants in life and she is going out to get them, but still I had a whole year to get used to her it's only a matter of time. Like a ticking bomb I'm waiting for the news that she is moving on with her life, taking an opportunity that she shouldn't pass up. But here I am, restlessly waiting in the weeds, wishing my friend would be here for another year so that I can rely on her smiling face and conversation to get me through the mundane days.

It's not fair I guess, to go on like this. I am the person who has been celebrating the realising of friendships left and right so that I can find my potential and move on to something more fitting, something bigger, something better. And I am the person who is pushing myself to go after the things I really who am I to stand in her doorway and say she can't leave me? I'm no one, and she has to do this. In fact, if she didn't I would be the first person to ask her why...

So yes, to me (in all my selfish glory) this turn of events...this unwelcome change...this farewell sucks! Because it's not a farewell I saw coming, it's not one I was expecting and it's not one that I know if  I can fully except. There will be something a little less about this place everyday...someday not said but understood between me and the walls of the empty office she use to house. It's an understanding that our friend is gone, but not forgotten and we'll see her again...although not everyday. Her wisdom will always be around us. And we can Thank God for the Blessing that she has been.

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