Monday, February 15, 2010

At Peace

I realized the other day that I'm at peace. The fact that I'm openly stating it is bound to bring some kind of turmoil to my life, but I'm happy and relaxed. I'd been feeling like the weight of the world was on me. Once I started to reveal my unhappiness to the world I saw that change. I experienced it, I relish it.

Over the course of this journey I've learned some things about myself and the people around me. I've been given compliments in the form of trust and I've been surrounded by love. I'm truly at peace. But this isn't my doing...I believe that God allowed me to go through these things. To find myself in the situations so that I can lean on him, and he could reveal his people to me.

Is life perfect, no...and it never will be, but for this moment. My life is peaceful, happy and filled with love.

Thank God for that!

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