Monday, January 11, 2010

Writing, writing and more writing just on here

So, it's been a while since I've been on this blog...and sadly it's because I no longer have a computer at home! The house computer died and I no longer sit at the reception desk for long periods of time so my access to this blog is limited. I tried to update via the mobile app, but it will only let me upload a limited amount of characters so anything I say longer than a standard text is a moo point!

Anyway, it's the new year and I decided to do something new. I tend to over think stuff and then it all runs through my head for ridiculous periods of time. I rethink, analyze and question things's driving me crazy. So I made myself a booklet and I'm writing it in every chance I get...I'm writing everything open letters, random thoughts...I'm just thinking on paper and surprisingly it's working...I'm not harping on things that I don't need to be harping's making things so much easier to deal with and work through.

I made the booklet on the 5th of January and I've written in it everyday (except yesterday) since. It's a great relief. Some writings I will probably end up posting on this blog (in fact, some have already made it) most, probably not...I don't intend to hurt people (which some musing might do) but I do need to do this for myself, so what I can post I will, it's part of my journey, part of my life and growth. I'm trying to live my life out loud and to the fullest. So that means sharing as much of me as I can.

I'm excited, hope you are too!

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