So Lindsay got dumped by the girl she never actually confirmed she was dating, but her sister still doesn't think she's a lesbian...I just think she needs a sandwich!
Tom Cruise..still crazy
Britney is still crazy too, but at least it's not scary anymore, it's kind of funny.
I really like our first lady and the way she dresses.
Even though things change, they always stay the same.
the swine flu isn't actually from swine (at least that's what the chick on GMA said)
Louis Black makes me laugh no matter how many times I watch the same special.
I can't figure out way country music is getting better and everything else still sucks!
I don't understand why they would push Harry Potter back 8 months then move it forward two days....just leave it alone already!
Tahmoh Penikett (just look him up)
Bradley Cooper barely covered by a sheet in He's Just Not that in to You.
Boys are nuts!