Friday, June 27, 2008

Lord of the Rings

So, I was in the midst of a Lord of the Rings marathon...but I had to give it up...I started watching the extras (I have the special edition versions of each movie...4 discs each, two for the movie, two for extras) their fantastic and even though I've seen them at least 50 times, I still have to watch them.

Then I found out today that my lovely friend Kristi is having a LotR themed birthday party...FANTASTIC...I'm not sure if I can go but I know it'll be wonderful.!

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Dropping Friends and Making Enemies

Over my short 28 years of life I have learned that I don't do well with toxic people in my life and although I do believe that God orchestrates who comes in and out of your life at certain times I think he does it to teach us lessons.
After we learn the lessons needed we may lose touch or get too preoccupied on our new season of life that we don't talk as much as we used to. But then in some special cases there are those that you specifically choose to abandon by the wayside because you know nothing good can come from a continued relationship with that person.
I see all relationships as a dialogue, an open conversation that should not be one sided, but can be shared between two people where honesty and good will are coveted. Where you want the other person to be honest, even if you don't like what you hear you expect and even crave that type of relationship.

I have realized that over the last few years I have been unconsciously taking stock of my life and my relationships with people. And as I look at it, my life, the way it is now, I have found that I have slowly started to move away from some friendships. Some because of time and distance (although I still try to communicate with those people) others because I no longer crave them in my life the way I once did and then still there are some that I realized are toxic and had to remove them from my life and completely give up the relationship.

Sometimes I look at those friendships and I'm sadden by the end result of such a potentially satisfying dialogue...I'm sad because I am scared or because I see that people are running into situations that aren't healthy and don't want help to step away from them. Also, I'm sad because some of those friendships failed because of pain, blame and the unnerving fact that sometimes people just can't say I'm sorry.
I'm never intentionally went out to hurt or harm anyone. When I give I give my all, but once you lose my respect you lose me. It's hard to get that back and most times I'm not willing to try. But even though I say this, I understand that I am also to blame for broken friendships. Generally when I'm hurt I run away, I don't want to set myself up for the pain again and I stay away from the people who hurt me. And when I try to help someone and I'm rejected I react in the same way...not usually at first, but over time...because I don't want to be there dump rug...
There are people that I've pissed off recently, I may have hurt them, but selfishly, it's for my own good. They've found others to replace me and will be fine. My season in their life, with this friendship is over. I'm okay with that and if they hate me...that's fine too.

Graduations and the heat...

Last week I went to two Graduations...the first was for my little sister Danae who graduated from Sierra Vista High School. She walked across the stage to thunderous applause and yelling from those who love and our very proud of her.
She will be attending Cal State University Los Angeles in the fall. Good luck Danae!

The second graduation I attended was for my friend Sam-Ana who graduated from Cal Poly Pomona with a Master's Degree in Education. She got a light blue hood and a black cap and gown...and we all applauded as she walk out of the tent holding her newly earned degree.
Working full time, being a wife and mother and going to school is truly aspiring and awesome.

I'm at work today. And its fact its been hot all week and it will continue to be hot....its crazy that's its already this hot and its only the 3rd week of June. My summer will be interesting, hopefully we don't have any record days this summer like we did last summer. At this point, I have a feeling I will be dark and possibly melted by the conclusion of summer 08.

I hope you all are staying cool and congrats to any graduates I don't know about.

Monday, June 09, 2008


So, it looks like I am back to working days (for the most part), for the next two weeks I have NO nights shifts and I hope that I don't get anymore any time soon.

I took my braids out and got a cute new hair cut, not as short as I would have liked, but it looks good so I need to get a picture up so you can see it.

And, last but not least...I'm going to Idaho this summer....I will be in this town called Louiston. Why am I going there you ask....well I'm going with some friends to visit their parents but they move back to Los Angeles. It's gonna be fun....we were gonna drive but I think we might fly'll come out to about the same price in the end...unless gas...I can't talk about gas it makes me sad. I love you all my Ventura Folks, but I fear I may never see you again cause I can't afford to drive up there! : (

I gotta go to be, have to be up by 5am! Yikes, that's the bad thing about working days when you're job is 27 miles away and you have to be there by 7:45am! bed with me!


Last Friday, I had the opportunity to spend the day with the Main manager for my department at work. It was technically the final training day and he conducts it. We basically learn how our jobs effect the resort as a whole and why our work is so important.
I was excited about the whole thing until I found out who else would be participating in that day of training. It didn't turn out as bad as I thought but the people I knew would make fools of themselves did. I'm just glad it wasn't me. I made sure that I separated myself from them and I didn't look back.
In the end it was an exciting day, I had a lot of fun and learn alot. I already knew how much I enjoyed my job, but now that I know exactly how my work effects Disney directly I can take that much more pride in it!

Sorry I can't go in detail, but I had to swear an oath not to tak about the day and I won't anymore.

Thursday, June 05, 2008

Lazy People (I'm totally venting)

So I can positively say that I work with a bunch of lazy people. Not all, of course, but a few of them are very lazy characters who don't really like to work and try to get away with as much "downtime" as they possibly can. Its upsetting to me because they try to get me to "lazy" around with them and think that I'm mad when I choose to actually complete why work before I go sit down.
Why do people hound you about how you're feeling when you stop talking and choose to actually put your nose to the grind and do your job, when your tired of hearing them talk and you just want to be alone with your thoughts? I think that's my number 1 pet peeve, people who have to ask you 20 times if you're okay just because you're standing by yourself or you're not saying anything in the conversation, just leave me alone. I will talk when I choose to talk, until then I am choosing to be silent and still and introspective.
I just wish some people would get a clue!

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

I found something to talk about...

Inappropriate commercials!!!!

There are some things we don't need to know, and some we don't care to know. At times people in our lives choose to share "too much information" with us and we either accept it or call them on it. Those are friends, but sometimes we hear, see or are told things that we just don't need to know. And there's nothing we can do about them....I'm talking commercials!

Have you ever been watching a television show one minute and the next you're watching a woman talking about her period and tampons or see two people about to get it on advertising for KY Jelly. Or finally (my personal favorite) two old folks giving each other the "eye" or sitting in bathtubs side by side holding hands. These are images that I'm sure help people but not all of us need or want to experience them.

I don't want to know about Viagra, Cialis or any other erectile dysfunction medication. I don't need to think about old folks doing it. I'm sure the men don't care to know about all the symptoms that come with a period and how to get rid of them. This is why we have friends, mother, fathers and Doctors, those people are here to help and share information with you about these types of things.

I wish advertisers would help by not putting these commercials EVERYWHERE, but its their job and its our job to watch, I have to admit, I have gone out and purchased new things because of these types of commercials, but most times when they come on, I just change the channel!


I haven't written in awhile because I have again found that I have nothing to say. Nothing that I find important enough to share or that I fell comfortable sharing because, frankly, when you put something online it can fall into the wrong hands and haunt you forever.
Its a new month, summer is almost here. I hope all is well with you. Have a good day!