Friday, March 28, 2008

Who would you like to meet

Good Afternoon!

I've been working on revamping my myspace page and I changed my "who would you like to meet" section (i added a name). I've always had people in that section, everyone from Jesus to my future husband to Kasey should know who that is! Well today I added John Cena, who is Hot, but also seems really fun and silly. (oh, btw, he's a professional wrestler)!
Anyway, this all got me thinking...who would you all like to meet...I mean anyone, alive...dead...lost! Tell me I really want to know...
I can predict one already....Kristi wants to meet THE KING, Elvis!

Until Next Time....

Monday, March 24, 2008

Family Dinner

Every Monday my Mexican Momma Maria has a family dinner, everyone gets together and has dinner together in a family atomsphere. We talk, eat, play games, watch TV and just are together. She decided to start these nights this year, I think she was feeling like we were all growing apart. Babies were born and people are growing up and out, so this is her way of bring us together and keeping everyone in touch.
Well, I should probably back up and tell you how this family came to be. I went to a small Christian School in East Los Angeles called Light and Life. In ninth grade this little seventh grader named Desiree started coming to the school. She and I became friends and over the last 15 years we've become so close that we consider each other family. Her mother, Maria, has adopted me into her clan and calls me her black child and I consider her brother J.R. and her sister Danae my family too. Des' aunts and uncles I call aunt and uncle, her grandma, I call grandma and everything. About six and a half years ago, Maria met Peter and they got married five years ago. Peter has two Daughters, Reina and together with Desiree, J.R., Danae and Me we have become a kind of Brady Bunch.
Desiree doesn't come to family dinner cause that fool took her kids and moved to Lancaster, but Danae's Boyfriend Michael comes to dinners and Victoria just had a baby named Paul. Tonight, there's a house full, including the forementioned people are Auntie Ruby, her daughter Amber and Amber's son Nikko
We are having shrimp cocktail and chicken and rice tonight, with chocolate cake to celebrate Michaels birthday. Well its time to eat so I will let you all go...peace out!

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

hello world

So, my job although I love it, is very draining, I don't have set work hours or days and I usually spend my days off holed up at home catching up on shows my dvr has been recording all week. Really I have no life, haven't been to church, haven't really been out (not that I went out before, but there was always the possibility that I might go out) and haven't spent time with many people other than family. Anyways, I'm not complaining just telling you how it
I'm asking those of you who read this, whether you have ever commented or not, to respond to this, the mission is clear...just tell me how you are doing! Let me know how life has been since I've dropped off of planet earth and onto planet Disney. Good, bad and ugly I would like to know.
I hope to hear from you soon.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Congratulations to Me...


I have great news, as you all have read I now work at the Disneyland Resort and will be celebrating my 3 month anniversary this Saturday...well today I was called into a meeting with my manager where she informed me that I am (as of Sunday) a fulltime employee, I am know longer on probation and now can get Disney benifits, pension, sick time and vacation time!
I am so excited to have this now, there's been kind of a knot in my back wondering if they would keep me, but they have yeah!
Thanks everyone for your support and prayer over the last few months, I appreciate it all and thank you all for your love...
I think the best thing is that I really enjoy my job and the people in it and I feel that they feel the sameway about me, its a joy to come to work and know that you are supported by management and co-workers. And it is the happiest place on earth.
It funny, there are people in my department who are bitter with their situation (a lot of job complaining) but I lived through a very unsatisfying job experience and look at this job as a relief, managers are professional, I feel like they listen when I talk and I don't really worry about this job when I'm not here.
Overall I don't have any complaints and I'm happy that I will be staying here!

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

We have the technology Use It (Update)


Back in September I posted a complaint about and how full episodes pf their shows were not available to watch, well I recently discover the has now added full episodes of their shows to the site. I'm so happy about that. So if there are any shows on cbs you watch and would like to see again or if you miss an episode and would like to catch it, go to Enjoy!

So Small By Carrie Underwood

Sometimes that mountain you've been climbing
Is just a grain of sand
And what you've out there searching for forever
Is in your hands
And then you figure out love is all that matters after all
It sure makes everything else
Oh, it sure makes everything else seem
So small

Soul Mates

At my friend Desiree's 18th birthday party I told her that I believe God gives us soul mates and that before we come to inhabit our earthly bodies that we are in heaven with those people. After we die we return to heaven and continue to remain among those souls.
I don't believe that I have only one true soul mate, because their are people in my life that have attached themselves to me and are now apart of my are a few

Mommy Amber
Kelly Holly
Desiree Kevin
Jenn Alfred
Kristi Mona
Momma Maria Dad

Some of you I see all the time and some not so much, but know that you are apart of me and I love you with all I have. Thank you for giving me strength, friendship, kindness and love. It means the world to me. I love you with all my heart and can't imagine my life without you. Some of you are answers to prayers and some are blessings I failed to realize I received until now.
God gave you to me and I don't intend to let go.

Saturday, March 01, 2008

Movie Reviews

Awhile back I started reviewing movies I've seen and think other people should see...well, its that time again and although both these movies came out in 2007 and were nominated for awards I am going to give them my seal of approval.


Okay I'm biased, I must say because Jennifer Garner is my favorite actress and she's in the movie (that's really the only reason I saw it). I am glad that I saw this film, its quirky, funny, poignant and it challenges your thought process. In the end its a great film. I do have to admit that there were times when I wanted to tell Juno to shut up or wake up, but I'm glad I didn't, I tend to over think movies and I did this one, once it was all wrapped up, said and done I was impressed with the story, cast and wit.
If you haven't seen Juno yet, go see it I think you'll enjoy it.


The next film is Atonement, another biased choice, I love Keira Knightley, this movie made me angry, one of the main characters though, not the actual movie.
Atonement is a beautiful movie, the colors the costumer and director chose for both clothes and scenery are magnificent, apart from the story you can just watch the movie to enjoy the pictures...
But the story is epic and's a love story gone wrong, but not because of the lovers, because of a jealous lie...the book and film try to make it seem like the misunderstandings of a young girl, who didn't know any better, but I call B.S. on that. She's a spoiled little liar!

Keira Knightley and James McAvoy are great together and the pain they show on their faces when apart is heartbreaking. I do have to say that this can be viewed as a "girls" movie, but I think if you open you mind, heart and eye to the story anyone and everyone can see apart of themselves in the three main characters...even Briony.

So those are my reviews, if you haven't seen either of these movies you should, they are wonderful.

NASCAR (really only Jen will probably read this)

For those of you who don't know, the NASCAR season has its only 3 races in so I don't have very many complaints or insights yet, but I do have a couple of things to say...

First, kasey kahne is gorgeous
Second, Tony Stewart needs to cut his hair, whoever told him he looks good needs their eyes checked.
I think that kurt busch and tony should totally take each other out so we don't have to deal with them for an extended amount of time.
Did I already say Kasey Kahne is gorgeous?
The fox prerace show guys are highlarious, but if they are on too long they get stupid silly.
Matt Kenseth's favorite comedy of all time is Friday (seriously) makes me want to like him, then I look at his face.
Kasey Kahne is gorgeous
The gopher camera should be called..."the gopher cam", that's it, its not brain surgery!
Tomorrows race is in Vegas and should be interesting....Good luck Gillett Evernham guys and feel better Kasey!


Debbie I pray you had a great day and have a wonderful marriage!

Take the board...

...out of your own eye before trying to remove the speck from mine.
There are always those people in your life that you love, care for and cherish but who get on your nerves...and sometimes they even drain you to the point where you don't want to have anything to do with them.
Well, I am at that stage and really, things are becoming hurtful and stagnant, I wish people could let you go and grow and just be supportive, even if they think your wrong. Sometimes I don't need a judge just a friend.


I guess I should be paying attention, but I just don't really care. I will more than likely vote for the democratic nominee, whom ever it may be, but I'm not going to get my hopes up or bank on any promises they make now.
I have learned that the first four years of a presidents term are spent with hands tied trying to get through the policies of the previous president and in our case thats Lil Bush. So all the promises and policy changes being promised now are all for not, I mean I understand why they say things, but I also understand that if we want the promises they are speaking of then we have to re-elect them in 2012, although I have a feeling that its going to take longer than 4 years to undo what Bushy has done.
Also, I'm voting democratic, but I don't think the nation at large is ready for a black man or white woman, even if her name is Clinton, that leaves John MaCain. I don't know maybe I'll be surprised and if I am I'll apologize, but until that day, I guess I will just hope for the best.